I've been doing regular cardio for a while...walking, jogging, running and so on trying to burn off some fat, but now I'm down to my last bit of belly fat and thought about trying interval training. I've read its alot more effective at burning fat, as well as other benfits over regular cardio. So I decided to try it out recently, and I feel kinda wierd cutting myself down from 45-60 mins of cardio to 20-25 mins of interval training and only 3 times a week. On the days I'm not doing interval training, which is the rest days, I do light cardio such as walking. Now the thing is, I don't know if I'm doing it correctly or not, but I guess its just that I feel wierd doing so much less than regular cardio. So I guess my question is, am I doing it correctly? This is my interval training:
Sprint for 45secs, walk for 90secs, repeat this for 25+mins with a cooldown (usually walking) for 10mins.
I'm not in the best of shape but I can sprint and when I do, I sprint as hard as I can, and of course during the workout it becomes harder and harder to to do so. So anyway, have I been doing interval training correctly? Should I sprint more, rest less, or anything? Thanks in advance.