
Suggestions for a 35mm camera for summer camp?

by Guest57118  |  earlier

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This summer I'm going to a camp where you take 2 classes and one of my classes is photography. For photography, I have to have a 35mm camera but, I have no idea what one to buy. I've seen some good ones but, they are all like $400. =/ I need to find a camera on the cheaper side since I already have a digital camera and will probably use that after summer camp is over. Could you give some suggestions for a cheap, yet still good quality camera? Thanks =)

And no, before you suggest it, I'm not going to use a disposable camera. I'd need like 10 cameras for the whole camp and it would be way too embarrassing to be developing pictures in a really good dark room from a CVS camera. =P




  1. Well, let's see.  It's a summer camp - you MAY want your camera to be durable.  

    I'd actually suggest a Pentax K-1000.  I've had little problems with mine, and when one of my buddies wanted to borrow a camera to learn photography, I immediately handed him the K-1000.  It's no frills, but really I've found I learned more with the K-1000 than I did with my Rebel T2.

    In the end, your choice is between ease of carrying (the modern SLRs are pretty light), or ruggedness.  

    For the most part, a Pentax will likely not set you back very much (I found mine at a thrift store for $10), and it takes some pretty nice pictures.  

    Have fun at the summer camp!

  2. Look on craigslist in a city near you for a good used 35mm Nikon or Canon SLR with lens for under $200.  Be sure to buy one that is less than 20 years old so the lens you get with it will later work on any DSLR you buy later in your life.

    I say craigslist because you will be able to hold and test the camera before you buy ... very unlike eBay where you are usually buying blind, hoping you are not buying someone's piece of junk.

    Sample listing in my area


    with a

    the second lens being great for low light.

    or even for more reach

    Just to add, if your looking at a Nikon kit thats about the same theres nothing wrong with that. Canon and Nikon are pretty evenly matched. Some of the off brands can do a very good job as well.

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