
Suggestions for a birthday gift for an 8 year old boy...?

by  |  earlier

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Please, no video game suggestions... we are cutting down on the digital time.




  1. A book!

  2. a basketball or football

    you could buy him a control car so he can play outside

    a cake too

    or a max steel or a transformers toy or legos lol i used to like those..

    a dog XD

    heh well good luck

  3. ok my cousins play with some kind of sprot equoitment try liek a skateboard, snowboard, football, bastketball, socccer ball. Also they like legos and boardgames. You could also try like baseball cards football cards, or even hockey cards. Or maybe ever like take him to a baseball game.

  4. Some kind of Lego set. They really help creativity, plus they're fun to play with!

  5. Martian Matter Maker!  my son loves it!  it's not as messy as it looks, it's not too expensive and it's a lot of fun.

  6. My son is about that age and loves books and any kind of art stuff.  He loves to draw and write so you could go with any of that cool crayola stuff.  He also likes bugs so he has a bug house with a net and such so you could do that kind of thing.  You could go with a new bike or any outside stuff if he gets into that.  Mine loves baseball so we got him a ball return and it sure saves on our shoulders when we are to sore to play catch.  HHHMMM that is all I can think of at this time.  Hope it helps some.  :o)

  7. What about a board game that he can play with the parents? My kids used to love that, in fact they still do even though they are grown.

  8. Legos are always a great gift for boys :)

  9. choose a  children book .Best options for a child

    example-harry potter

    Bikram -betal stories

    stories of grim brothers

    Feluda the detective by satyajit roy

    book on puzzle/magic

    enclyclopedia etc

  10. get him a couple of "erector sets" great toys and if he likes to take stuff apart this is for him

  11. Basketball, Football, Baseball/Bat... Lacrosse

  12. What is the boy into? .. If your a close family, maybe a few board games? -

    Without knowing what he likes, not much I can suggest.

  13. how about an age appropriate chemistry set? plastic slides, no harmful chemicals..... etc....

  14. ummm... we live in a digital world, kids dont play board games anymore, im 16 and i dont even know how to play monopoly, i guess if its no games then a football or a trampoline or something, id prefer a game. rock band the whole family could play if you decided thatd be alright

  15. have you ever heard of bakugon? they are so cool

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