
Suggestions for a game that can be played by a girl??

by  |  earlier

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For example I like a lot Captain Claw.. that game is awesome

but now I would also liek something different but with not too much blood and gun shots

I don't care what kind of game it is .. just suggest me some and make me a little summary of it. As many as possibile

Thank you for your replay




  1. Try tales of pirates,  its fun.. although you have to download it. its the same as runescape but better graphics, you get to choose your " class" go to you get to lv up killing things but not with any blood.. you can battle other ppl etc.. hope i helped

  2. im a girl and i play runescape. its fun i think you would like it. its on and you can make a free account. you and level in different skills and theres not much blood or anything like that. try it out.

  3. gears of war its very fun and exciting

  4. Not sure if you want a free game or a pay per month game or what but City of Heroes is fun.

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