
Suggestions for a great children's book (preschool/kindergarten)?

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I'm involved with the Speech Team and was wondering if you could help me. For one of the meets coming up early next year there is a storytelling event. The event consists of the group of competitors each expressively reading a children's book to a group of preschool/kindergarten aged children. After all the stories have been read, the children decide which reader they liked most. I was wondering if anyone could give me some titles of books that just love to hear. In order to do well in this event, I'm thinking that I need a book that is either very memorable or really funny. If you have any suggestions for me, I would really appreciate it.




  1. Caps 4 sale

    Have children "act" out the story as it is told ie Pretened to take off hats walk around in a circle as the peddler walks, pretend to get angry when he gets angy at the monkeys the kids love it every time.

  2. 'No David'  by David Shannon

    'How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight'  by Jane Yolen

  3. Enemy Pie... great read aloud... the children love trying to figure out what goes in enemy pie or what they would put in theirs!

  4. Any of the Hairy Maclary books.  They are all in rhyme and they are written to be read aloud.  The first one is Hairy Maclaary form Donaldson's Dairy, another good one is Hairy Maclary Sit.  Another good author is Shirley Hughes.  My daughter's very favourite is Dogger by Shirley Hughes  while my favourite is Alfie's Boots.  If you are in the US and these are not so well known this would be an advantage I feel.  Even if you don't use them, do read them as they will make you smile.

  5. How Do Dinosaurs Eat their Food?

    David Gets in Trouble

    Bark George!

    What Are You So Grumpy About? by Tom Lichtenheld

    These books are hilarious.

    Some Smug Slug

  6. I think there are a few easy choices that kids will be pretty familiar with... Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day is one, Goodnight Moon, Jamberry, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Where the Wild Things Are, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

    A few choices that kids might be less familiar with (links below in the sources): Dogzilla; The Monster at the End of this Book; The Way I Feel; and Click, Clack, Moo.

  7. What about "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson.....both my kids [age 7 and 3] LOVE her books!  They are easy to read, full of rhymes and very very funny!  

    She also has "The Monkey Puzzle";  "Room on the Broom"; "The Smartest Giant in Town" and a couple others!  Brilliant books for oldest loved The Gruffalo SO much that she was able to recite it from heart when she was 3 at nursery school!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck!


  8. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

    By Judith Viorst,


    Reference Librarian

  9. Raisin and Grape By Tom Amico and James Proimos is supposed to be funny

    I also really like The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka

    Tough Boris by Mem Fox

    Also, I can't think of any right now but kids love books that feature other kids being really naughty or adults doing things that kids would normally do.

    Oooh...just thought of one...Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild by Mem Fox

  10. I just saw at Barnes and Noble, Puff the Magic Dragon. children book form with an audio CD.

    Also, I like books by Marc Psfister. He wrote Rainbow fish, and other rainbow fish book series. My favorite of his book called Milo and the Magical Stones. VERY COOL book, pages split in half in the middle of the book, giving two endings. Fun book, my kindergarten class loved it, and I was able to connect it to community service, helping hands theme.

  11. Brown Bear, Brown Bear

    Knuffle Bunny

    Bark George

  12. Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle--- students can help you read

  13. Something that rhymes, like Dr. Seuss books, or animal books.

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