
Suggestions for acne please??

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ok so I have combination skin, like my nose and forehead are oily but my cheeks are normal and sometimes dry, but it's weird becauseeverytime I get even one pimple on my cheeks, it leave a scar that wont fade for like ever and I dont pop my pimples. and I have blackheads on my nose that pore strips wont get out very well. I only get the occasional pimple in my t-zone considering it's oily. but I just need some suggestions on some topical acne treatment that can be store boght that will help my acne scars on ym dry cheeks go away and keep pimples from coming back. thankyou everyone!




  1. proactive or see your doctor for a perscription...

  2. What I do is after I wash my face real well is to put lemon juice on my

    face with a cotton ball.  You wouldn't believe how well it works e-

    specially on all types of skin

  3. Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne worse by using too many products.  There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  4. proactiv works, i use it and it works.

  5. Proactiv didnt work for me.. it was a waste of my money.

    go to a dermatoligst..

  6. Proactiv. It really really works.

  7. Use Clean and Clear day and night

  8. At wal-mart they have biore shine control for oily skin, and they have a black head facial wash too.

  9. go for proactive.....

    or you may use organic products

  10. Proactive is really amazing, try it out.

    It does take awhile to apply though. Listen to ur ipod when putting it on

  11. either "proactive" or "clean & clear" by Neutrogena.

  12. ok drink lots of water it will help flush som of th oils.

    thn on ur zits crush an ibuprofen and put a dab of water on it until its a lik pasty.

  13. My best advice is to go to a dermatologist. These products may not work or may even worsen your skin. Don't play games... talk to a professional. Ask your family doctor about getting a referral.

    I speak from experience.. I have acne scars now (I'm 21) because I kept thinking the next product would work. I used Proactiv (made my skin reallllly dry) and Clinique skin care products, among others. That was before my dermatologist visit. My derm recommended antibacterial medication... because the source was not about cleanliness but about bacteria that multiply UNDER the skin. At least for me. The pills really helped me.

  14. i have the same kind of skin you have. i mean exact- even the part bout never popping pimples on checks but getting scars anyway. so this is what i do: i wash my face with Cetaphil gentle cleanser 3 to 4 times a day. it doesn't dry out your skin, and it removes oil so this works very well. in the morning, when i wake up, i wash my face with neutrogena acne stress control with microclear. make sure you get the the cream, not the scrub (the scrub will dry out your skin.) 3 or 4 times a week i do an at home microdermabrasion to help remove those awful scars. it works really well, and it makes your skin glow. on the really tough scars, i use mederma aswell. on any pimples that i may get overnight, i use a product called Zeno. it is expensive, but it helps remove the pimple. i also go tanning for 20 minutes once a week- and afterwards wash my face with cetaphil, then rub salt water on my face with a cotton ball. tanning is often recommended for dry skin, and the salt water helps dry excessive oil from your t-zones.  you should also see your dermaologist about a product called "Klaron" it is great for combination skin. this sounds like a lot of things, but really its not that much.

    1. acne stress wash in morning

    2. cetaphil whenever you get the urge to wash during the day

    3. every other night, do an at home microdermabrasion (takes about 2 minutes)

    4. get a prescription for klaron- sometimes a doctor will recommend a prescription of differin cream as well- and apply at night

    5. at the end of the week, get a little sun and splash your face with salt water

    6. Zeno for the pimples that surprise ya everynow and then. look it up on google. i got mine last year and it works miracles.

    things you should AVOID: proactiv and similar products, benzoyl peroxide masks (they dry your skin out and bleach clothing and towels. very bad) peel-off masks (they tend to clog pores in oily zones) and products that contain a lot of glycerin (this irratates skin)

    oh and if your skin gets dry and flaky, try Glytone moisturizer. it's available without a prescription at most dermatologists' offices and at some drug stores. its water-based and effective. won't clog pores.

    Good luck!!!

  15. Proativ really is amazing.

    Your doctor can prescribe Rentin A which also is supposed to work well.

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