I had a horse go through the fence after getting spooked by a hot air balloon that went over his field.
We have an outfitter in a nearby township that does excursions and others have had this problem too with the balloons. One farm had their stallion go through the fence. Unfortunately he got out into the road and was hit by a truck and killed. Mine went into the neighbors corn for most of the day, but came out of his ordeal ok. So my question is how would you go about conditioning a horse to accept them? The outfitters don't have a set schedule, so you never know when you will see them, otherwise I could just take them in. It seems that the horses object to the fire bellows going off overhead and the resulting roar. Plus they don't look up so they don't know where its coming from and just panic. This is a boarder and I am very concerned with his welfare and my insurance! I am going to call the outfitters and see if I can talk sense to them, but I know they limited by wind currents.