
Suggestions for fish please...?

by  |  earlier

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-__-; last time. in a 10g tank right now:

1 betta (small, full grown. sweetest betta ever. has been with many types of fish including long finned and fancy looking ones and never nips or even flares)

3 black kuhlis (had 4, one went missing long before the betta. he's gone, I looked everywhere, don't sell them around here anymore so I can't replace him).

I want to hear what you would add. I don't need to know about care, I know a lot about fish, and what I don't know I'll research. I've been keeping fish for many many years. I've cared for many types between my own tanks, my uncle's tanks (who taught me a lot of what I know) and working at a pet store and having to care for the wide variety of fish there. and no, I'm NOT saying pet stores are a reliable place to get fish care info, just that I worked at one and got to care for many types of fish while working there. when I find a new type of fish I like or am going to be caring for I do TONS of research and end up knowing things I'd probably never need to know.

so please... just what you would add. please don't tell me to upgrade, 10gallons is plenty big for a small tropical community. please don't tell me to pick what I want, the problem is I can't decide. so I just want to hear some suggestions. plain and simple, just suggestions.




  1. umm i going to say barbs are really nice fish peacefull too. or molleys. their nice .but i would stay away from agressive fish cause they will kill ur fish. but barbs theres many kinds to choose from their really nice . i had too intill my fish ate them

  2. maybe a few white cloud mountain minnows. i adore those fish, and they are peaceful and wont nip fins like barbs

  3. a bata just do what u did with yours before and it mite be like your old one.

  4. If your betta is really peaceful, how about a few pretty male guppies?  I have a betta that lives in harmony with fancy guppies, so I know it can be done if you have a very mild-mannered betta.  He seems to really enjoy watching the guppies and occasionally chasing them around, though he never flares at them and they never nip at each other.  It certainly makes for a pretty tank.

  5. school of guppies

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