
Suggestions for hosting a "singles' night out" for people between 31-45?

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I am planning a dinner buffet and singles' mingle at an elegant restaurants where I live. I thought it would be better having someone like a host/MC person to kinda move things along instead of jsut letting people sit on their butt for the whole evening.

I will greatly appreciate your help, Thanks




  1. No foods that give you bad breath!

  2. Upon entering the restaurant, everyone is given a sticky tag of a famous person's name to wear on his or her back, and is not allowed to see what the name is.  For an hour or so, everyone asks each other "yes" and "no" questions about what the person's name on their back is.  Although the purpose is to get everyone talking to each other, you can make it into a competition, and give a prize to the person who guesses the name on his or her back first.

    We played this game at a bridal shower; it was fun!

  3. Good day,

    Nut and screws ,buy different sizes of screws and nuts and give nuts to the ladies and screws to the men ,everyone has to go around and find their match. It start conversation and good for a few laugh.

  4. Do some ice breakers.  For the appetizer, have them sit w/ the 3-4 people who's birthday's are closest to theirs.  They have tomingle and talk to figure this out.

    For entree, have them sit with the 3-4 people who's hometown is closest to theirs.

    For dessert, have them sit with people who drive the same make vehicle as they do (Ford, Acura, Toyota, whatever).

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