
Suggestions for mounting a camera to a kayak?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a photographer and also enjoy kayaking. I'd like to found a reliable camera mount for a kayak and am looking for input from those who've used such critters. Thanks.




  1. When I wanted to take video from my car, I made up a simple mounting plate that I could s***w between the seats (2 seat car) and mounted a cheap tripod head to it.

    For a still camera on a kayak, I would consider one of the better ball heads that have a single trigger release to make it easy and fast to position the camera.

    A bigger concern to me would be getting the camera wet.

    I just ran across last week.  I may get one for playing around next summer.  It comes with an amazing number of mounting options.

  2. go and tape it with duck tape and go get a stick and first mound it on that

  3. when i done it for sea kayak, i just ducktaped it down but you can buy special mounts for them.

  4. i to am a kayaker and have been looking for such a thing .i am going to buy a helmet cam off ebay tony hawk has a brand the would work and not a bad price either hope this helps or you can get some good velcro at wal-mart i have used this stuff from wal-mart and it holds good

  5. This might help you:


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