
Suggestions for my sick guinea pig?

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One week ago I purchased a 3-month-old female guinea pig. Two days ago I took her to the vet for sneezing and coughing. And, for two days, she has been on an antibiotic. Now, today, she strains while pooping and there is blood in her stools. When she doesn't have diarrhea, the poops are softer and larger than normal. The vet, who I just spoke with on the phone, does not think this is from the antibiotic, and suggests that her stomach may be irritated? The guinea pig, Molly, had a fecal sample yesterday and it came out negative for parasites. She is a healthy pig other than this- she eats, drinks, and otherwise acts normally. One thing that may be a factor is that she fell off my bed two days ago, which is quite a long fall, but she did not seem damaged in the slightest. Thank you all so much for your answers, ten points for the best!!!




  1. Considering that your vet doesn't see to concerned about it

    iId let her be for a few days, if the bloody stools continue bring her back to the vet asap.

    I doubt the fall did anything, but make sure she has been eating, drinking and doing her normal activities. Also has she lost any weight? When pigs loose weight its the first sign that something bad is happening. Have you switched her food or given her any type of outdoor plants or veggies?? Hope this helps =\

  2. Just be gental with her for a few day cause of the fall. If her stool is still bloody in a couple days she raelly needs to go to the vet!

  3. Is she on a probiotic? The problem with antibiotics is that not only will it kill the bad bacteria but it will kill the good bacteria in her stomach, so I would recommend asking your vet for a probiotic, guinea pigs are lactose intolerant so don;t buy one like activia from a supermarket like some people do, get one from the vet.

    Also is she on baytril? Some piggies react strangely to baytril, so if the probiotic doesn't stop the blood and weird shaped poops maybe ask the vet switch the antibiotics to septrin.

    More info on antibiotics.

    I think she's intolerant to the antibiotic she is on, if she is intolerant, then if you continue with the medication it could be fatal. Don;t dismiss, take her to teh vet and ask for a change in medication, don;t take no for an answer either. Vets often don;t realise how serious intolerance can be and people often make the mistake of not challenging them. Its good thats she's eating and acting normally. Is she still sneezing? If her symptoms don;t appear t have chnages since putting her on the antibiotics, then you should definately switch to septrin.

    Also is she is on baytril, because she's so young, it could interfere with her growth so yeah ask your vet to switch to septrin, its a lot safer than baytril.

    this has info on antibiotic associated diarhea, she does have diarhea right?

    I also think you may find this link useful.

    Good luck and I hope she gets better! :)

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