
Suggestions for new lyrics for the Irish National Anthem?

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In this modern age, are the words of the Irish national anthem not a bit militant and outdated? They suited the time and no disrespect to Brendan Behan's uncle, but is there any longer a need to 'man the gap of danger'? I'm not suggesting we rewrite it in English, but do you have any suggestions for new lyrics which would better reflect modern Ireland? We can always translate it back into Irish later, I'm just reaching out to a wider audience...




  1. It's fine as it is.

  2. HI YOU


  3. All national anthems are pretty out-dated, it's what makes them national anthems!!

    I mean take America's one..."land of the free"...I think not!! :)

    I reckon Ireland's Call could be a good substitute if we really wanted to, and in Irish "Eire, Eire" etc...could sound cool! :)

  4. I don't think theres any need to rewrite our national anthem.

  5. If you think ours is militant, you should listen to the French LOL.  The Spanish have no lyrics to their national anthem because they can't agree...i suppose some lyrics (even if only 1 in 10 of us can actually know them) is better than none at all.

    But I do think we could do with a new anthem. Sure why not

    I'm no lyricist, but maybe new lyrics should include the scangers on the hill, the rebels trying to reclaim the 'real capital' (me ar$e), fiddlers in the Dail, and D4 heads in Dundrum ....loike..ya....and how no one is allowed appear on Lotto game shows unless they have their county jersey on..(what is that about?), and we can't forget the Biffo making us tighten our belts (just cause he can't), but sure we're grand, grand,...

    Eejititous is becoming pandemic but sure we're grand.  LOL I could get into this....!

  6. No they aren't outdated. The whole point of a national anthem is to celebrate the HISTORY of a nation. What do you propose we do a remix or maybe just get The Script to write one.

  7. NO way would people ever agree to any alternative. As long as FF are in gouvernment, you can forget about it altogether ;-)

    Everybody's national anthem sounds either militaristic, bloodthirsty, or overly pious; those were different times when they were adopted as national anthems. As far as I can tell no bloody banners of tyranny are being raised in France, still the French would not even for a second think of changing, so why should we? It reflects a moment in our history, so poor in real victories ever since, and I would be in favour of letting it be.

    My wife, who is German by birth, always recommends to replace it with "Su-hure it will do..." because she dislikes what she calls the pervading attitude of Irish craftspeople. ;-)

  8. jazus, if you think yours is bad what about ours, god save the feckin queen my @rse, should be "you'll never walk alone" now that's a song that gets you going.

  9. I knew this question was a wind up. Don't want to drag up the Ireland Call debate at Lansdowne Road but hey!  who ever heard a nation having 2 Anthems sung before a game. Crazy or what ?

  10. Alsation Once Again

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