
Suggestions for what I'm eating to lose weight?

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I've started eating well and exercising to lose weight.

Every week I discover new food that I should eat for different things, so my menu is increasing. I used to feel hungry when I got home or before going to bed but this week I've stopped feeling hungry and now I'm worried I'm eating too much to lose weight. What do you think?

breakfast: bran cereal with plain low fat yoghurt + honey + low fat soy milk, fresh fruit and vegetable juice. Slice of toast with tea spoon of butter.

morning tea: crunchy choc chip muesli bar

lunch: 1/2 small can of tuna, low-fat cheese and rocket sandwich. (whole meal bread x 2 slices)

afternoon tea: handful of plain low fat yoghurt with honey

dinner: Miso soup with vegetables, natto (fermented soy beans), and yoghurt (same as afternoon tea)

I do 30min jogging every night and good stretching and sit-ups.

Should I be taking "not feeling hungry" as a good sign of enough nutrients/fiber? or am I eating too much to lose weight?

I'm eating yoghurt 3 times a day to get rid of gassing I've been having lately, perhaps from changing diet.




  1. hmm well, if you are not gaining weight then you are eating enough for your body, usually when you do exercise you dont normally feel hungry and ppl always say itsbetter to eat less more frequently to keep your metabloism working so i think your doing well and shouldn't be worried!! but the trick to losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in so i guess if your doing that then dont be worried!!! hmm maybe you should ask your doctor about the gassing =/  

  2. what i've done (and seen results) don' eat meat (fish is an exception cause tofu is plain nasty) don' eat cheese or milk or any dairy (except i do have cream in my coffee) no white bread cause it's pretty much sugar. yes It blows but it works and it doesn't always taste that great bu you will see results trust me Good Luck!  

  3. it doesnt sound like you're eating to much at all..keep up  the good work :)

  4. i think you are doing well...keep it up..maybe you can get a medical check up regarding the gas issue...probiotic drinks help me in that...

  5. Gassing can occur from acidic forming foods.  Eating alkaline forming foods will reduce gassing.  Although yoghurt has stuff in it that says it reduces gas, milk products are actually highly acid forming.

    Yoghurt is good though, but I'd cut out some of the yoghurt and replace it with some fresh fruits & veggies.  Raw fresh fruit & veg and almonds are the only alkaline forming foods, and your diet really should consist of about 70% alkaline.

    Well done though, hey.  It's so refreshing to see when people start healthy diets.

    You're definately not eating too much, you most likely feel full because of the low GI foods your eating, and like you said the fiber.

    Good work


  6. Hiya MissK...Without knowing you and your health issues, it would be difficult and maybe even dangerous for anyone on here to give you the proper guidance. There are a lot of factors to consider when first choosing to lose weight. Age, body frame, health, current weight, and target weight. These are all things to discuss with your doctor, after he/she gives you a physical, to check on your health. You might have underlying health concerns that dieting might stress. Consult with your doctor. They can then give you suggestions about the kind of diet is right for your individual situation. If you are in good health, check out the following site (and tell your doctor about it too). I've found this site to be very helpful in finding out how many calories I should be eating every day, along with the proper exercise. <*)))><

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