
Suggestions on an online cash advance site i should use?

by Guest56272  |  earlier

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im trying to make a quick advance online n the sites i gon on keep taking me to other sites so all im doing is inputting info but not getting anything..any suggestions on a one stop site i can go to? please!!!




  1. I am not sure what is the best site to apply for a cash advance - but you need to be very careful.

  2. 1 page quick answer

  3. me, Be careful if you need to apply for an online cash advance. Each state has different laws, and I'm not sure about rules and regulations. Try contacting a local payday loan office so you can get advice before taking out the loan.

  4. i don't have a good idea.

    i suspect that they'll verify your job, and take the money you owe them out of your paycheck even before you see it.

    they can do that.

    and they're not going to lend you money if they can't.

    maybe you want to re-think your plan.

    and you do know that the rate is high.

    something like 100%.

    that is, if you borrow $500, you have to pay them $1,000 back in a year -- although they'll start taking money back right away.

    40 years ago, it was illegal to charge more than 18% interest.

    seems that the country has gone down hill somewhat since then.

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