
Suggestions on getting kids out of bed for school?

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I have two kids grade school and middle and both are not morning risers. It takes so much out of my morning to get them up dressed and eating before the bus. Any advice will be welcomed.




  1. Put them to bed earlier.  My daughter is 7 and goes to bed at 8pm which seems early but she rolls out of bed at 6:15 with no problems.  She obviously needs that much sleep or she would be waking on her own earlier.  If I let her stay up later, like 8:30 or 9pm our house is a very unpleasant place in the morning.  If your kids are having trouble getting moving in the morning, their bodies are telling them that they need more sleep.  Kids need alot more sleep than adults do.  Good luck!

  2. 1.send them off to bed earlier and keep the schedule all the time (do not let up for weekends, holidays, etc) dad would rip the mattress out from under my brother

    3.take away privileges for not rising on time

    4.have everything arranged (clothes picked out, school work done and checked, showers taken) the evening before to make the morning less hectic

    5.what ever method you pick from either my list or from others answers, BE CONSISTANT

  3. first make sure they are getting enough sleep. If they are that difficult to wake up they could need to get to bed earlier. I have a 2nd grader and 3 middle school boys. My 2nd grader goes to bed by 8:00 and he wakes up on his own around 7-7:30 so he gets about 11 hours of sleep.  My older three boys go to bed by 8:30 sometimes 9 but that is the very latest. They get up at 7:00 so they get close to 10 hours of sleep.

    I also have everything ready the night before. We put out clothes to wear the night before, pack lunches and throw them in the fridge the night before and have back packs ready. That way all that is left to do in the morning is put the clothes/shoes on, eat breakfast, brush teeth and hair, grab the lunch in the frudge and out the door for the bus. My older three get up at 7 and are out the door by 7:45 for the bus. We have agood routine set up and that helps too.

  4. Set an alarm for them.  Tell them that they have a certain amount of time to be downstairs dressed for school and if they are not up and ready on time they will go to bed 1/2 hour earlier that night. The next day do the same thing only this time if not up and dressed on time they go to bed 1 hour earlier. Won't take them long to get up and be ready.

  5. Make sure they are getting enough sleep.

    Count back 10 hours from the time they get up, and that is lights off time.  

    Next wake them up with a bang.... I had a hard time getting out of bed until I met the drill sergeants at Ft Knox KY.   To this day I get out of bed 5 minutes before the alarm goes off.  

    When its time to get up you go in and pull them onto the floor and hit them with ice cold water in the face. (the amount depending on how water resistant your flooring is)

    The first time will be a bit of a shock, "I thought you were kidding!!"

    The second time it will be an oops...

    There will not be a third time

  6. buy some gold stars and for every morning they get up with out a fuss put a star on a chart or calender. at the end of the week if they have all gold stars , reward them with something they enjoy.

  7. loud noise works for my bed stayers.  just use a pot and a wooden spoon any time they start lagging.  it works for me.

  8. No, I usally jump on my daugters bed -Give her a big hug & jump some on the  I`d do that ,then start singing some awful song loudly. or Just yel Rise & shine Sleepyheads till they respond .They`ll have to get out of bed to shut you up My child or husband are not early risers.So by the time they are off I`m frazzled.

  9. Put them to bed 30 minutes earlier. We go through this all of the time. When my girls become slugish in the morning, they go to bed early for 2 reasons. The first being they may need more sleep and the second as punishment. If I think they are in need of the extra sleep, we keep the earlier bedtime.

  10. Earlier bed times is a good start. Also, making a breakfast with something they enjoy and calmly wake them up. It gets fusterating if someone if screaming at you to wake up and makes you just want to go back to sleep.

  11. my uncle gives the kids two tries to get up every morning. he tells them once to get up, then he goes in about a minute later and goes and tells them to get up again. if they are not out of bed in two minutes, he takes a pitcher of cold water and dumps it on them. he told his kids this rule and now they get right out of bed the first time they're told.

  12. well if they have any fun after school take it away untill they can get up on there own. i did it with my niece and nephew and now they love getting up in the mornings

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