
Suggestions on lying on medical at MEPS.?

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I wont get into my personal issues, im just curious about the possibilites. Does the military research your claims, if you answer NO to all the medical conditions? Or do they take your word for it? Or will they research it if you start having problems once you joing to see if it was pre existing? Sorry for all the OR's ha. Because before I went to meps, my recruiter told me that if I answered yes to anything, even little things I would most likely have to come up with proof of treatment and proof that the condition is no longer a problem. Also that sign that i dont have health insurance? I mean if they wanted to find my records Id suppose it would be somewhat hard right?




  1. Yes, they do research and double check everything you put. If your caught lying you will be refused entry to the Army and you may even be fined as it's an Offense to provide misleading or non truthful information.

  2. you worry too much,just long as you dint have a serious medical condition like asthma you ll be o.k.most of the people who go to meps lied about at least one thing....i did


    yes, everything.  the condition may be waiverable LYING ABOUT IT IS NOT.  

    if you lie and the problem worsens in training, they WILL dig deeper, they WILL discover you lied and they WILL kick you out with a fraudulent enlistment.  

  4. No worries man..Say no to everything if you honestly believe you will NOT have any issues.  Don't tell them you broke a bone, because you'll have to show documentation...That takes forever and you might not find it easy to get what the military wants to see.  They will use scare tactics and threaten you but, no one is going to check.  If something medically happens to you, most likely it will be chalked up to something you didn't know about or began while on active duty.  Nobody likes to investigate and do paperwork.  So, just check no on everything and good luck.

  5. They asked me crazy stuff like had I ever been to the hospital?  "Durrr, where do you think I was born?"  So I said no.  But clearly we have all been to the hospital at one time or another.  And my father was 30 years Navy so last I knew all my childhood medical records were sitting in Bethesda Naval Hospital somewhere.  At any rate, DOD has them somehwere.

    No, they don't have the time or ability to research what medical conditions you may have.  Look the basic idea is, are you a healthy person?  Occassionally Soldiers die in BCT from conditions they have not reported.  Don't hide anything major.  If you broke your arm when you were 15, no biggie but if you have an irregular heartbeat or similar tell someone.

  6. Suggestions on lying on medical at MEPS.?

    Yes, don't.

    Even if they do not find out, Service in the Military is about Honor, Integrity... starting out with a lie to get in is just wrong... and illegal, it is a fraudulent enlistment.

  7. They take your word for it.  They don't track down your medical records but if a problem does arise and they think you concealed it then they will find the medical records.

  8. They'll take your word for it but if something happens to you, they'll research your med. history and find out if it's a recurring problem or a first time deal. Apparently Fraudulent Enlistment is a big time deal.

  9. As long as you don't lie about the big things, like epilepsy, asthma, manic depression, should be fine. Although it's probably for your best interest to tell the truth. Luckily for me, I'm as healthy as a horse:) Good luck and thanks for wanting to serve!!!

  10. They do look at your past medical history.  Do not lie.  I answered yes to several things, nothing was a big issue.  I had things like my mom made me go to counseling because she felt I did not talk to her enough.  I also had an inhaler when I was 10, but I was sick, it wasn't asthma.  I also had a knee wrap when I was 10 because of growing pains.  

    My husband broke his elbow twice in the same spot when he was a kid and can't fully extend his arm (it's hard to tell unless he shows you, he can almost fully extend it.)  He did have to get a waiver for that, but he got in.

  11. Lying is wrong. But here's something no one mentioned yet...

    This is your future. If you wanna enter with a lie and take your chances, then do what you will. I lied about a couple of things, but as a Christian, I often feel guilty about wondering if my service is honorable to God. Sure, you may advance and even become general one day, but do you want the foundation to be based on a lie?

    Another thing to consider: we have military personnel and government agents whose sole purpose of their jobs is to deceive and can look at yourself like an agent sneaking into the military with subtle lies...they do it all the time (still doesn't make it right). It really isn't a cut and dry issue. I could go into great detail to explain what I mean and if you wanna know then email me at

  12. DON'T DO IT!  It is an automatic disqualification if it is discovered you are lying about your medication history and concealing information about a medical condition.  Don't listen to these idiots who tell you to go ahead and lie....

  13.    Didn;t your mother raise you to tell the truth???

  14. Answer TRUTHFULLY.

    Rule of thumb: If you lie, you fry.

    I don't' care what it is. Down at the bottom there's a paragraph that states under penalty of perjury that the information you have provided is true and complete to the best of your knowledge. Your signature is below that. If you lie, the military has the right to fine or imprison you.

    Some people will say it's okay to lie about some things... that the military probably won't find out. They don't care. It's not their signature below that paragraph. I've seen people post that recruiters have told them to lie or to withhold information. Again, they're not signing the document.

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