
Suggestions on my romeo and juliet presentation?

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so for english class, we are supposed to memorize the prologue of romeo and juliet and perform it in a creative way --"two households both alike in dignity..."

I have no idea what to do. My teacher suggests something like a rap, but I'm too embarrassed to try something like that . Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. If you do a search for Romeo and Juliet here in the Yahoo Answers search window you will find that hundreds of questions have been asked here about the play and those Q's and A's should help you. Additionally if you do a search for "study guide for Romeo and Juliet" you will find many free sources of help online to supplement your work with this play. Best of luck with your work.

  2. Do it like a kids' story.

    Have a little stand and put the bits up, like you might with a story for kids. So, as you say "two housholds" put up two pictures of mansions. And as you say "in fair Verona", put up a background of the city of Verona. And as you talk about the Montagues and Capulets, put them up, until you get to "a pair of star-crossed lovers", when you put Romeo and Juliet in the middle.

    If there is a whiteboard in the room, most of them are metal, so you could put magnets on your pictures and put them on the board.

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