
Suggestions with bleeding nappy rash?

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my son is 18mths old and has a really bad nappy rash. he started to get into the habit of doing a poo before bed (which was fine) until one night after i changed him and put him to bed, he decided to finish his poo and i was unaware, resulting in a really really bad nappy rash where i cry with him when i change his little bottom. ive tried a couple of creams to help heal and soothe it and it starts to get better by the end of the day (not bleeding etc) and then he does another poo and it starts the cycle again. i want to take his nappy off so it airs out but its in the middle of winter and im not entirely keen on that. my father suggested to just put him in trackpants so hes nappy free for a while and clean up any messes and i will start that tomorrow but im after any other suggestions that i could try...........PLEASE HELP!!




  1. my son had bad rash at 6 weeks that bleed i out  cornflour on it to dry it out and then just a regular nappy rash cream with also a barrier cream. but also i have recently found a cream called lucas pawpaw ointment and its great, by next day no rash. i got it from a chemist so shouldnt be to hard to find. hope yoour little fella gets better soon

  2. my 4mnth old has very sensitive skin, and often gets blistery bleeding nappy rashes.  I have found a lot of creams and powders unhelpful- i have every brand. now, i mix them all together- into a paste, and put it on.  It works well.

    Sunlight is by far the best cure.  Take his nappy off and sit out in the sun for about 10 minutes, twice a day.  They love the 'free' time, and the sun cures nappy rash very, very quickly- u should notice a difference when u go inside!!

    if u r in an area where there isnt much sunlight, or it is too cold to have him outside half naked, then as weird as it sounds, take off his nappy and place him near a heater, so that the air is blowing on his little bottom.  Obviously, sit with him and make sure he isnt too close to the heater, or too hot.  Alternatively, a warm hair-dryer can be soothing and help it go away- the warm air helps a lot like the sunlight.

    spend one day with him not in nappies as much as possible- i know my 4mnth old loves to have her nappy off, and if she can spend a while without one on, the rash improves within the first day.  As your little one is older and more mobile, if he loves the bath, then maybe a long soak would be beneficial.

    I hope some of this has helped!! Good luck

  3. Im not sure what you should do about the night poops, but when he wakes up put him in the tub with oatmeal (aveno makes an oatmeal bath in individual packets). whenever my son got a severe diaper rash, that always seemed to help clear it up fastest.

  4. Poor little guy! Ive used cornflour with good results after washing my sons bottom with plain warm water not baby wipes and patting it dry. His wasnt as bad as your sons sounds but after 2 days it was healed. Ive found Huggies nappies are the best to use with bad nappy rash, expensive though. Maybe have a look at his diet for anything that might be making the poos worse, healthy foods tend to produce less 'toxic' poos then sugary stuff. I know hes only 18 months so prob a bit young but if you've got underpants for him then you could use those under the trackies instead of nothing? I hope you can find something to help!

  5. Air it out, because of the severity for AT LEAST 3-4 hours a day.  Put some training cotton underwear on him and shorts all day.  If you could just put extra blankets under him and let him nap with no diaper that's good too.  Make sure you DRY him REALLY good with a rag during diaper changes before you put the new diaper on.

  6. zinc and castor oil. Can buy it from your pharmacy. It works as a barrier cream as well as soothing the rash. I used this with my daughter and it worked wonders. Hardly ever got nappy rash.

    Another idea, to soothe his bottom is to give him a nice warm bath with a stocking or similar full of (uncooked, obviously) rolled oats. It softens the water as well as helping soothe it.

  7. one thing that is very soothing is olive oil, also maybe until he gets a new habit on pooing, go and change his diaper an hr after bed time as soon as he falls asleep so his tushy wont suffer, i did that with my son when he went threw a phase like that.

  8. just sprinkle CORNFLOUR on his bum every nappy hange there is nothing better my daughter had the same thing i tried every cream on the shelf almost and this was the only thing that clearedit up and its like 2 doallars from the supermarket

    seriously try it

  9. Seriously get yourself an aloe vera plant - the juice straight out of a leaf will clear it up super quick and it's really cooling and soothing and it's always on hand.

    It sounds a little more urgent than that though - if you have any unscented plain moisturiser with Vit E or aloe in it give it a try.  Use a washer to wipe his bottom - not baby wipes, they'll irritate it.  You can even use an old towel or tshirt if you don't have any.  Definitely don't put any powder on it.  Raid your cupboard - even olive oil, sesame oil and grapeseed oil are great for dry and irritated skin (sounds crazy I know, but it works).

    I feel for you, it's horrible when they're so sore - my 2nd girl did a few great ringburners like yours and the juice straight from an aloe vera plant is instant relief and your best bet.

  10. My daughter got gastro at 4 months and had bleeding nappy rash.....the best thing I found was Lucas papaw ointment. It is a little pricey, comes in a red jar with black writing and you can get it from supermarkets in the health food isle or the chemists. I put it on rather thick and kept putting it on until it helped keep the acidic poo and wee at bay. I understand how you feel.

  11. sounds weird but worked good,  cornflour mixed with water so it makes a paste and rub on the area it creates a barrier.  Track pants sounds really really messy

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