
Suggestions with potty training?

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Okay, heres the deal. My niece is 2 years old. And she is still in diapers. My husband went to get out niece to spend the weekend with us since thursday night. And she is not really potty trained yet. She does pretty good with " i got to pee-pee in the toliet" as she would call it. She normally tells you that she has to go or if you ask her she will tell you yes and then no but she goes anyway. But the thing is she has this thing about " i can't go poo in toliet". I am not really sure what she does at home because i don't see her that often. But when she is with us she normally said " i have to pee pee in toliet". My question to the Yahoo Answers community is this.. is there anything that i can do to maybe help her to be able to make number 2 in the toliet. What i started with her was. If she makes pee in the toliet i will give her 50 cents. That way she is rewarded. i told her " tt will give you 50 cents every time you pee pee in the toliet.. (tt being what she can call me because she can't say trista) but for some reason she will not go number 2 in the toliet! Is there something that i can do? Open to suggestions! She does not use pull ups i bought her some but the mother just uses diapers!




  1. everytime they do their business in the toilet, give them smarties or other candy.....worked like a charm with me

  2. Pull-Ups will usually lengthen the potty training experience.  When she has a bm in her diaper does she squat down or stand?  Some children would rather stand while they produce a bm in their diaper and if this is the case then that is probably what is holding her back from the toilet since she would have to "squat"/sit on it to use it.  Some other children are scared to leave a bit of themselves in the toilet to be flushed away.  Sometimes it is better to not bring too much attention to the subject and let her do it in her own time as it may be an attention-getting/ power struggle situation.  Who cares if you have to buy size 6 diapers...this too shall pass (literally) and she won't be wearing them when she enters college...Good luck!  

  3. Ditch the kid, get a dog.

  4. dont bribe her with money, money means nothing to a two year old. bribe her with candy instead, like skittles or smarties. and make her sit on the toilet when you think she has to go p**p. make her sit there until she goes number two, or for twenty minutes, whichever comes first. if she doesnt go after twenty mintues, let her up for 5-10 minutes then put her back on. keep doing this until she finally goes. and when she does, make a huge deal out of it and tell her what a big girl she is.

  5. My Daughter used to love when I said you are a big kid now that u use the potty and I make a big deal by singing a 'u did it' cheer routine and  look amazed  at her achievement. Also try to relate with her favorite character like elmo /dora using a potty by getting the appropriate cd/book.

    Reward Stickers help too.

  6. giver her a dollar for "poo poo"! LOL

    sorry, a bad joke...

    But I don't think its good to reward kids money at this young age, you'll spoil the kid later on... Plus you don't know what the kid will buy...

  7. i gave my son 1 skittle for every pee pee and 4 or 5 for p**p

  8. I know my suggestion sounds crazy.... BUT it worked instantly for my daughter.  When Macy 2 years old, she would not do #2 in potty.  I finally figured out that she didn't want to be alone in the bathroom that long.  She didn't mind going to the bathroom for #1.  When I finally realized what the issue was, I put the potty chair in the living room.  I know this sounds crazy.  (I am a single mom & wouldn't recommend this in every situation.)  When she needed to p**p, she got to do her business right there in her potty chair.  She never missed a second of sponge bob.  After the very first time of pooping in the potty, she never pooped in her pants again.  I actually gave away all the unused pull ups that week & she has been wearing panties since.  She is now 8 and I still celebrate not carrying around a diaper bag.  I know it is frustrating to go through this process.  If you can make it easier for the child to make a change, you get quicker results and more lasting success.  

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