
Suggs Board?

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Have just had a look at the suggs board following a link. I wish I hadn't. I read a post about a possible kiddie fiddler, his Q&A's made me feel queasy. Even if he posted them as a joke, it is terrible to think people can come up with comments such as his and some of the responses are as bad. I can't believe people get upset with a bit of chat on here when there are posters like him.

Why are people allowed to make suggestive comments such as these?




  1. I've just had a read through his questions & answers, if he's joking he has an unfortunate sense of humour.

  2. Blimey, I checked his answers 10 minutes ago and saw the sick posts. Now his answers are all gone! He hasn't asked any questions, either but has two stars???

  3. Just had a look and his q&as are vile. Yahoo need to sort themselves out when content like that is allowed and they harmless stuff is pulled within seconds.

  4. Utterly sickening. Hopefully yahoo will act on the incriminating evidence.

  5. I'm surprised people moan and complain about a tiny bit of chat yet they are happy for images of women being tied up and whipped to remain in people's blogs.

    It's sick and sad.

  6. Its shocking what Yahoo allow and what they delete, totally non-sensical.

    If that was in the UK I would have no qualms about sending the link to CEOP for investigation.


    I agree, he needs reporting. His Q and As are just WRONG!

  8. I have just reported all four of his questions, and for that I will probably lose this account for mis-reporting, well, that seems to be how the system works around here, you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. Yahoo rules eh?.

    {EDIT} HC, he had answered a load of questions and he had posted four, so Yahoo have deleted them all.

  9. Suggs has got his own board? Baggy trousers, baggy trousers.... :-D

  10. a joke or not that is disgusting

  11. Yahoo eventually suspended  that account , lets hope that the brain dead staff at yahoo are not supporters of paedophiles and have banned the IP address,  so the scum bag can not set up another account

  12. I saw that and it's disgusting, well done Krissy for reporting I hope you don't loose your account, well done to the others for reporting as well the likes of him should be castrated

  13. Same reason that decent Q&A are removed from this site, automated, that said you can report suggestions exactly the same as Q&A.

    The real difference though is that on here it is not the question or answer that is reported but ...... the person that asks or answers.


    HU above me, just go to his profile and report one of his questions or answers, posting himself as a pedophile is illegal.


    Sunday morning ............ his account has gone!

  14. Oh Dear God.I have reported him for every question and answer.This kind of filth get everywhere.

  15. I agree entirely . Its disgusting to thin k that he exists on here . I hope everyone will report him he should lose his account and have it removed permanently
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