
Suicidal birds?

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For the last month birds have been flying into my windows and dying.The first bird I was like,What the h**l but then it started happening everyday.Then my friend told me that it was happening to her as well.Just yesterday I went on a road trip and a bunch of birds started flying into my trucks tires,i killed on accident of course 3 birds.Has it happened to you what the h**l is going on with the birds?I swear I am not making this up.




  1. Overpopulation?

  2. Birds flying into windows is quite common especially during breeding birds may see their reflection in the window thinking an intruder is in their territory and try to attack it.  They may also see the tree and sky reflected in the window and think it is just an extension of the outdoors.  Your windows are too clean.  You need to close curtains, blinds, etc. so the birds can tell there is a barrier there.  You can also add decals to your windows as well.  Look here for more tips to get birds to stop doing this...this site works for any species really:

  3. Birdgirl has the right answer.  Birds cannot tell that it is a window and see the reflection of the sky and think it is open space.  They make decals of all kinds to stop this from happening.   You need to break up the "open" appearance of space.  Tall buildings have this problem all the time but I'm not going out on a ledge to put no sticker out there you could do it from the inside.  Don't know what to tell you about your truck tires, too shiny ;)  They think its another bird in there.

  4. I know, isn't it sad though.  I have had a few different experiences with this. I was driving down our street one morning and a small flock of Lorikeets flew across the path of my car and I hit one, I woke up one morning, the first thing I heard was screeching birds (nothing unusual) then the sound of breaking glass and when I investigated I found my kitchen window cracked but no sign of anything but the cracker is, one morning we were having breakfast at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and out of the blue something spooked the lorikeets and BANG! one flew head on into my throught.  I gagged and was in shock but I just had a little beak mark in my neck.  The bird hit me and flew off.  For the rest of the day my head went down whenever I heard them.  Weird but true. PS I now have a fake bird thing with sparkles on it hanging in the window....but not sure what to do about my neck! LOL

  5. They heard Obama might become President of the US.

  6. maybe you got no curtains and birds couldnt see window happens around here all the time qld australia  and cars too  not looking where going always done it here though roos at cars are worse though we use small device called roo shoo whistle ya put on car to scare em away

  7. could it be the time of the year as they start to fledge they might not b-able to fly that well lol or you might have a case of Alfred Hitchcock  A wealthy San Francisco playgirl pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people there in increasing numbers and with increasing viciousness. lol

  8. You have my attention , where are these things happening?

  9. good advertising for windex... kills birds

  10. haha.the first answer is kinda funny.but i take this seriously.mayb u should ask the local vet or doctor.or even contact a scientist and ask.
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