
Suicide by Subway in Japan?

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I read in a article on the Japan Times website that suicide by train is something that plagues train stations DAILY.

Is this true?

Also, have you ever witnessed one?




  1. I wrote before. Not everyday.

    Japan is covered with harsh depressions both economically and human mind also.

    The way of death are also abundant.

    From 8 years old kids to over 80 years old are committed a suicide, over 30000 people every year more than 10 years.

    Something must be wrong with their society.

    I saw minced meat two times at yotuya and ogikubo in Tokyo .  Very sad and horrible.  

  2. It happens now and then, not on a daily basis.

    Though I take trains over 20 years, I've never witnessed one, nor my friends as far as

    I can remember.

    If you've witnessed not only once but three times, I have to say that's an extraordinary case.

  3. I've never witnessed the scene but the train that I was in got stopped once because some guy tried to kill himself who was on the train track.

    Everybody in the train heard the announcement and many people actually got pissed off ...anyway I was on the way to go to a school and I was 2 hours late because of that.

    But the kind of thing doesn't happen daily because it's not common.  

  4. I think it's very true.

    How gross the scene of a train suicide can be depends on how much the body gets mangled.

    Luckily the one I witnessed was not that gross.

    The jargon used by JR (Japanese Railway) workers to describe disposal of the body is

    "maguro shori," meaning "disposal of tuna."

    Maguro, tuna, sushi. Urban legend has it that some of the prestigious sushi restaurants in Tokyo rely on JR when they run out of tuna. Welcome to the world of the real Tokyo splatter flick. Hehehehe!

    Source(s): Tokyo resident.

  5. >Is this true?

    Not true. Not daily.

    >Also, have you ever witnessed one?


  6. i know that many japanese people tend to commit suicide by train but i don't think it happens daily because if it did... you know the train wouldn't be running on time and thats not possible since japan is a country that is super strict with (transportation) time

    i go to japan almost every year but i've never witnessed one  

  7. There are many nations where suicide is more common than in Japan.

    There is only about 24 cases of suicide per year. And out of those only a few are by train. So obviously you don’t see train suicides every day.

  8. Yeah that's true in fact I've witnessed three suicides (by train)in Tokyo . I was shocked after the first was totally gross. It became like a movie that plays over and over in my head. It is very true that a lot of people in Japan resort to suicide when depressed.  

  9. no its not true. its not like your walking around and you see people jumping off bulidings

  10. I did not witness one, but I was on a train in which someone committed suicide by jumping in front of it. At first I didn't know what had happened, only that the train was stopped and delayed, which actually happens much more commonly than people think. But I learned later that it had happened.

    And another incident I again didn't witness, but it had happened shortly before my train arrived to the station. I saw the body covered up on the adjacent tracks.

    I commuted 3-4 times a week from Yokohama to Tokyo for work and these were the only incidents that I was involved with, though I heard of others.

    Remember that some people answering this question wouldn't know if there was a suicide on a train they were riding on or not because they don't speak Japanese. They would just know the train was stopped or delayed for some reason. They aren't going to announce in English that someone committed suicide by train, so most non-Japanese wouldn't have a clue that it had happened.

    EDIT: 24 a year? LOL, try 30,000 a year! Here's an article from a Japanese newspaper:

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