
Suicide feels like my only option, what should I do?

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A few months ago I admitted to one of my friends that I loved her, she didn't return my feelings but she was real nice about rejecting me and staying as just friends. Everyone said I'd get over it, but after all this time it's just gotten worse. I can't stop thinking about her, the only reason I bother getting up in the morning anymore is to see her. I constantly think about killing myself because I can't imagine a happy future without her in it. Suicide feels like my only option, what should I do?




  1. This happens to the best of us and you are not accepting the fact that you have to move on, like she has. It is difficult yes, but you must believe that there is somebody else out there for you when the time is right. Unrequited love is always painful, i have had that myself. Your life is worth more than just living for someone you cant have. You will find someone who loves you back one day, trust me, your turn will come. You will have to go out a bit more and socialise, and meet new people and eventually it will get easier. Dont kill yourself, no one is worth that, take care...

  2. That's really lame and retarded that you care so much about another person. What difference does it make?

    As stupid a thing as you are making it out to be you definitely should off yourself. Just take that flying leap off of the coronado bridge. Then we'll all have one less whiny spoiled codependent idiot to worry about.

    Besides all women really genuinely want is coke from a man and they all cheat and could do without you. Right now there are women probably sleeping with homeless guys just to get guys jealous and they're not even calling out YOUR name - h**l half the time they dont even remember you and trust me no matter who you are they always are laughing behind your back about you to all of their girlfriends.

    Oh yeah and about all of them are lesbians too.

    And do you think this woman or girl will feel any differently about you if you do kill yourself? HAH! What a joke. You're just helping her get rid of someone that annoyed her by calling too much in the first place. So **** that for revenge! And anyway yeah she will not give a c**p over time and you will not be a major part of her life having killed yourself.

    I tried to kill myself for good reasons. But killing yourself over a woman proves you are nothing but a little *****!

    So I wonder? Why the **** do you care if you are not on the lower end of the darwinist ladder with all the other fuckups and losers?

  3. I believe that one should have free will to decide on oneself. Possibly committing suicide will resolve this whole situation - it's quite simple and fast solution, at last for You.

    However, let's analysis - You said You can't imagine Your happy future without her in it, You said You constantly think about Her, You said You love Her. And there is a question You can ask Yourself beside choice You will make - what does "love" means. Is it just pure physical desire or higher mental need - maybe mixture of both?

    When we consider only physical aspects - love would go only about hormones and lower-needs. It's quite stupid and irrational to drag on Your life just from such reason. Keeping in mind that such type of affection - from scientifically-approved biochemical point of view lasts only 3 yrs - it doesn't sound like eternity. Moreover possibly You will fulfill - even from statistical point of view - all those desires during Your life (that will averagely be about 100-120 yrs with current medicine development)...definitely something You could wait for - as it's almost for sure.

    But what's with mental side of love? You say: "I love Her" - so You care about Her. Does care requires attaching to oneself, like sharing all activities!? Then what with people that live separated by continents and can't communicate each other, what about priests and monks? They don't care about people they love? Point is - that even if You aren't together, You can still care about Her - keep Her in mind, that what counts to build up Your spiritual inner self. Focus not on bad aspect - threat Your love to Her as way to motivate Yourself to became better person, to give truth that You love Her.

    You might say - "it's easy to write so" - actually yes, CAUSE THE BIGGEST EFFORT LIES IN YOURSELF.


    Practical tips:

    -optionally find a girlfriend - it really helps ^-^

    -You know there is still chance You will get together, give Her some time and space - though try to get more familiar with Her, find same interests, try to share same activities BUT REMEMBER NO FORCING...oh and sharing same friends also helps

    -girls like mature guys - saying that You will commit suicide isn't the most mature thing :/

    -after being dumped few times - You will get used to...

  4. get therapy. and try to block those feeling unless you in a relationship with someone...

  5.   killing yourself will not give you a chance to let her see you in a different way. Just keep it friendly, maybe she will start to like you if you just show her a more casual you. But suicide is NOT the answer, so do the right thing and talk to some person you can trust even mom.

  6. First of, remember, people come and go, and i bet you're a handsome guy who will find another girl that feels the same way you do to her. sometimes faith works in weird ways, we just playing along. since it seems like you think about suicide very much, i feel you should tell someone or get therapy, when you kill yourself it honestly doesn't make anyone feel good. the girl will feel horrible, your parents, your friends. Join a consultation group where you meet people who face similar problems. just remember, people who love you care about you, and the last thing they would want is for you to commit suicide. Good luck :)

  7. I agree with the prior posts. Don't kill yourself. You need someone to help you through this. Go to a therapist because there is more to your life than this, and they can help you to refocus in other areas. The therapist can help you imagine a different (happy) life.

    Plus don't want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't feel as strongly about you as you feel about them. You're worth way more than that.  

  8. EMO!!!

    Think about this for a while, If every man had the same ideas as you there would be no more men left in this world. Everyone goes through that. I did just a few months ago and I'm perfectly fine now. The girl that I liked and I are now good friends but i don't expect more. I already found someone else. You will find your one too. Look around you, the girl for you might just be there.

    You WON'T EVER find true love when you commit suicide, duh.

    If you kill your self, people around will be sad including that girl. So, do you want make her sad? Make the right choice.


  9. Then you belong at

  10. If it's love, you'll be happy for her any way that she decides to go, no matter where it leaves you. Killing yourself isn't a way out. Could you imagine how SAD she would be, along with every other person in your life, how devastated they would be if you killed yourself? It's different being murdered, because at least they know someone ELSE had motives, but when YOU have motives....... they'd blame themselves the rest of their lives. Do you want that?

    I know what it feels like............. it makes you feel like you're worthless because s/he doesn't want you, but really, when this happens, you just have to be glad that someone a hundred times better will come along and take your breath away, because she deserves you. Someone who turns you down doesn't know what they just did.

  11. Of course, suicide is not your only option - in fact, it's a terrible idea - it's not even to be considered. I suppose you think it's a good idea to get rid of your pain and because you can't see a future without this girl, but this is faulty thinking.

    My dear, you definitely do have a future and what's more you have a present.

    Perhaps you need to talk to someone - therapist, minister/priest/rabbi/imam (I don't know your religion), good friend, family member - and they can be supportive of your feelings (I mean the pain, not the idea of suicide.)

    Also, you need to get your life back on track - it looks to me that what you think is love has become an obsession. Try each day to do something that you enjoy and also try each day to meditate - to clear your mind and not to think about this girl.

    Or perhaps, you can write, if you like writing, write out all your feelings and perhaps this will give some relief - it can be like a catharsis and a revelation because once you start writing, you never know where you will end up - it can even give you clues to what's really going on inside you.

    The main thing is that when a problem confronts you - you must learn to cope and deal with it and not to run away (isn't suicide a form of running away and giving up). You have your whole life ahead of you and I am sure you will find true love in the future, but please give yourself a future and a good, happy one too.

    Take care and all the best.


  12. Suicide is not the answer, Matt.

    A guy I cared about very much broke up with me.

    It took me a year for the pain to go away.  But it did.

    Just give it a little more time.

    I'm sorry you are in so much pain.

  13. "This too shall pass", this is what mom use to tell me. Suicide is never the answer to anything (suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem) oddly enough when i was younger there was this guy i fell in love with and we broke up, first thought i had was that how was i to live without him?! Now i'm 39 and he's married to someone else; what's ironic is that she's become a friend of mine and she tells me he's a creep. now they are divorcing because he treats her badly. i'm sure glad i never ended up with him.

      Suicide is never an option, you have better days to come. talk to a counselor if you have to. things will get better, i promise.

  14. Wow- How old are you- I'm sure you will meet other people in life that you feel the same about. There is a difference between LOVE and a CRUSH- killing yourself if deff. not the answer. Imagine how the people in your life would feel if you did that. It is selfish

  15. don't get therapy those idiots often make things worse.  Just take moments out of your life to enjoy the wonders in this world.  You are always in control, even if sometimes it doesn't feel that way.

  16. Love is not something you will get over or forget about soon. It takes time and yes sometimes a long time but you need to work around it. You should go out with friends especially if you feel like this. Go on a chat room start talking to people just to get your mind off her and chat rooms keep you so busy that you even forget about your problems. Who knows you might meet the right person. Remember there is millions of fish in the sea and killing yourself is not the answer because life goes on and by killing yourself you are going to go to h**l and why risk it where you can meet someone and have heaven on earth.

  17. Think of it this way - do you know how hurt your friend would be if you were gone?  And you never know what will happen in time - she may change her mind! I know, because I have been there myself and I have seen how hurt my family and friends were that I tried to commit suicide. Can't you be even a little happy that she wants to stay as your friend?  Don't break her heart by not being around for her anymore.  

  18. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. At first you should stop being so clingy as that is a turn off. If you really want her so badly, try to win her heart, but remember not to act too desperate. If you really gave up on her, then i know this sounds so hard, and your probably gonna be like, "i cant do that" but the best course of for you to find someone else. Isolate yourself from her, and you will be sad at first but you will realize that thre are more fish in the sea.  

  19. dont kill yourself! everyone lives for a reason! go see a counselor, it will help!

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