
Suicide is it a way of telling God "You can't fire me, I quit"?

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  1. no its a way of telling god. "i want to see you before my mum does"

  2. lol

    he sends you straight to h**l for that so ether way your fired

    life is a gift not a job

  3. it tells everyone that your weak and going to h**l

  4. lol

    thats quite funny

  5. incorrect.

    Suicide is a way of telling God that you give up.  that's pretty much it on God's side of suicide.  On your family's/friend's side however.....

  6. Throw me in the fire, I won't throw a fit.

  7. nope it isn't. one of God's commandments says "Tho shall not kill".

  8. "You wish!...Death is just the beginning!"

    he must be a glue sniffer lol

  9. God is sad when someone swear.

    God is sad when someone steal.

    God is sad when someone lies.

    God is sad when someone kill someone.

    God is sad when someone fight.

    God is sad when someone cries.

    God is sad when someone is bad.

    But God forgive to people that did a bad thing and regret it, when they pray and ask for forgiveness. God forgive but don't forget!

    Suiciding is a bad thing to do. God gave you a life and you say you don't want it...? Why? Why making God sad by killing yourself when he gave you something great? When suiciding is like you don't appreciate what he gave you.  

  10. No

    It means a person is very unhappy and likely suffers from severe depression

  11. No!!!!!!! it is a way of telling God to send you to the eternal death straight away .....that means you don't get the second (eternal life) life......

  12. sure...

  13. You wish!...Death is just the beginning!

  14. Well, that's one way to put it.

    But I don't think so really. People quit their jobs like that in defiance. People commit suicide in hopelessness and despair. But people who commit suicide I guess must be angry at God for not helping them as they see it.

  15. Lol!

    Never thought of it that way, but I guess so.

  16. LOL!

    Probably not since God doesn't really fire people...

  17. Yes, I guess it is a way of trying to gain control over your life and how you die. It doesn't work though, because unfortunately we are never in control! It's either God who you give permission to take control of your life or Satan has a free rein. Suicide is you responding to Satan's temptation. I don't mean to sound preachy here - I am a complete control freak! I do understand people who do take their own lives and wish I didn't.

  18. No sir,

    It is telling Dad that You can`t handle life any more. It is telling Dad that you want to come home. It is telling Dad that something is wrong with you.. You are sick.. You see, Suicide is not a sin. It is a mental Health problem. Sick is sick, no matter what part of the body it is in. I assure you that folks who do not understand what sin is, can NOT, and will not, be help accountable.. You have to KNOW what a sin is, to commit it..

    Peace and blessings from Texas <><

  19. It's a way of saying I am a coward.  

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