
Suicide????????????????? ?

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im 13 and thinking about suiciding today. maybe even right now.

my family has been fighting for the past 4 years. i have to act like a messengar device for my mom and dad. my mom told me that my grandparents (they have power and money) are planning to make me be a computer techinician. (i want to be an artist) and control my life

my dad is abusive, school is hard for me. im trying to forget the fact that my mom and dad are fighting and just go on with life but i cant.

im really sad. please help me out here. i think hanging myself will be good. maybe with a belt. or eating pills. but i just cant do it. but maybe ill eat a lot of pills.




  1. believe me...things are never as bad as we make them.  you will never go through anything that you cant handle.  things are hard, and i can see that.  but suicide is never the answer.  even though it doesnt seem like it, your parents love you and care for you.  suicide is just the "lazy" way out.  it is just the easy way of getting out of your problems that you dont want to deal with.  is that how you want people to remember you?  i dont think so.  no one here can blame you for being upset...but you can take control.  no matter how hard it is, you are the one ultimately responsible for where your life heads.  do what you want with your life and live happily.  when you go back to school talk with a counselor.  they are there for these kinds of situations and can help you.  all the best!!!!

  2. The best thing to do would be to get a scholarship for your art and go anyway.  What are they going to do if you get a scholarship to a really good school anyway. They won't be able to stop you from going if you want to do it.  They can only control your life up to a point.  What you choose to take in high school is your decision.  Your parents can't make you take courses that you don't want to take. Neither can your grandparents.  I agree the fighting sucks.  Convince them to seek counseling.  They shouldn't have you in the middle of it.  I know because my family is in counseling right now and we were doing the same thing to my daughter.  It has helped our family tremendously.  Don't kill yourself because even if it made your pain go away it would cause a world of pain to your family and I am pretty sure being a really empathetic person you would understand that and not want it for your family.  Besides all the best artists come out of strife filled homes.  It's great for creativity.  

  3. O.K.

    What is that you want?

  4. Just think do you WANT to end ur life right now at such a young age? Do you WANT to put your parents threw that pain?

    I say don't do it. It would be the LAST mistake you have

  5. suicide is a selfish act. I was a teen with those thoughts....Now at 40 I am glad I didn't .  go seek help now.

  6. I agree with almost all the answerers here. Suicide isn't the answer to your problem & will juz worsened the problem more if you do it. Talk with your guidance counselor in your school. They're always out there to help you. I don't wana sound religious but its true. God doesn't allow that thing to happen if He knew you won't be able to handle it. He is juz there anytime, juz call on Him & He will rescue you from that trial.

    I know its a cliche but its true.

  7. Don't do it! it's bad,and wrong! I understand you completely. In my family whatever someone says that is older than you is true(even if it's not). Sometimes i feel like a twig, not cared for. I play with  my dad to hide my sorrow. I have no abuse but anger problems with my dad and brother. (they're really strong) They all want me to be them, but i'm a different person and i want to be ME! When my brother is not home, I go to his empty room and calm my self rom the others.( i don't have a room, sleep in hall) Life is not easy. I'm stuck home and cant think.

    Don't do it, just go out and be away as much as you can, go to your room and hide.

  8. Oh sweetheart don't do it. Your life is only just beginning, you have so many pleasures to experience.

    There are other options available to you. Have you spoken with a teacher about the situation at home? Or even to a friend's parent?

    Your family's issues are not worth losing your own life over. I know this is easy for me to say from the other side of the world, but it's true. Nobody is more important in life than YOU. I suggest you talk to a teacher at school about your home life. Tell them that the situation makes you miserable and you feel you have no control over your own life.

    I know that artists tend to be quite sensitive and introverted. Do not bottle it all up inside - TELL SOMEBODY!

  9. Sounds like a pretty tough situation you are in and it is not fair that a 13 year old has to deal with so much.  Killing yourself won't help at all.  Life is such a gift and there is so much you can do with it.  You may feel like you have no choices but you do.  Get some help.  Get some counseling but don't kill yourself.  

  10. suicide is SURELY not the answer. defiantly don't do it.

    everything is ok in the end, if its not ok, its not the end.

  11. PLEASE  do not  not  think  like  that  you're  13  ,you  have  your  whole  life ahead  of  you  ,the  best  things  is  yet  to  come  ,you  should  be  happy  you  have  all  these  people   looking  after  you  even  if  you  don't  like  what  they  want  for  you,Right  now  just  ignore  what  your  parents  are  doing  and  communicate  with  your  grand  parents  your  self  because  they  are  the  one  looking  out  for  you  and  wants  the  best  for  your  well  being  and  that  is  not  so  bad,reason  with  them , being  a  computer  tech  is  not  so  bad  ,you  get  to  be  very  smart  and  making  lots  of  $$$$$$  and  knowledgeable  and that  is  where  the  future  is  going;   SMILE,concentrate  in  your  School,it's  best,you  don't  want  to HURT  yourself,  think  of  those  others  who  does  not have  what  you  have  ,there  is  billions  of  them  who  are  not  as  blessed  as  you  are,take  what  they  want  you   to  do  and  make  them  happy  and  then  do  what  you  want  to  do  when  you're  a  little  older  and  can  really  decide  for  yourself,it  is  only  TIME  there  is  plenty  more  where  it  came  from,smile  and  think  of  all  the  goods  things  you  have  done  and  experienced.....

                                              GOD  BLESS  YOU  

  12. Go talk to somebody NOW! Tell them what you posted here and get the help you need. As said by many," Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem. You are only 13 you need to get some sage advise to put your life into perspective. Go to a hospital, police station, fire department,church,school,aunt and uncle best friend somebody so they can help you past this low point in your life. This stuff seems bad now but it will get better. Trust me.  

  13. NO SUICIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're 13, and I'm sure you've got a terrific life ahead of you once you get through these tough times.  Can you go live with the family of a friend, or with another family member with whom you get along? Also, get with a counselor as soon as possible, and concentrate on developing your artistic skills, both in and out of school- that will be a pleasant diversion from the problems with your family!

  14. if you're serious, and this isn't some twisted joke, then you should call a suicide hotline as soon as possible. 800-784-2433 is the first number i found, i don't know your area code or if you can even reach this but i'm sure there's one available to you somewhere.

    as for my personal advice, i can actually relate to a couple things you mentioned, i probably don't have the easiest family. however remember that the tides will change, and so will your life - for the better! everyone has their ups and downs, you might be testing the bottoms right now, i know i did these past two years but i managed to come through and i'm so glad i did.

    dealing with your parents, i would try to let them know what you're going through right now. they may not know the effect that they have on you, but i'm sure this isn't what they intended. as for your father, you said he was abusive? if he's physically abusive to you or your mother (or anyone else in your family) you should get help. domestic abuse is illegal.

    find something or someone you can hold onto. do you have any close friends you could share the way you feel with? if you do, try spending some more time with them! is there any sport or activity you like in particular? do you play an instrument? paint? play soccer? find something that you love and focus on it. it will give you more purpose and dedication in life.

    in the end, you'll get through school and you'll one day move out of the house, and you'll be glad you got through this. think of something you want to do later in life. maybe travel somewhere? fall in love? make money? buy a car? all those things are waiting for you, and if you get through this, things will pay off.

    we're all here for you at yahoo answers! haha, if that helps...

  15. yeah, if this is truly a joke, thats messed up but if you really are in need of help, you should get professional help, its probably way better and more legit than on here. talk to your parents.

  16. No don't be stupid you don't realize it now but the life your living will end up making you stronger when you get older.

  17. Poor girl. :( Please don't commit suicide, it's not the right thing to do! Seek professional help, start out by talking to your school guidance counselor. Just talk to anyone who will listen! Suicide may feel like the right thing, but trust me, it's not. Go to a counselor or therapist. Hope this helped.

  18. Don't eat a lot of pills or anything.  You might damage your brain and end up in a wheelchair being dependent on people and not even having the choice of whether to live or not, cos you can't reach the pill bottle.   You are lucky that you have Grandparents willing to pay for your education.   Computer technicians are in great demand and you would not be out of a job.   The job could pay for your art lessons and materials and if you have talent then you could be an artist.   Lots of artists use the computer for research and drawing anyway.   Everyone wants to be something arty farty and imagine all the admiration from people who are invited to their rock concerts or art gallery openings.   These fantasies comfort people who are not being admired in the hear and now for some reason.   Your parents are too busy fighting to pay the proper attention to you.   My parents fought from sun-up to sun-down, first verbally and then physically.  We couldn't have guests over cos it was too embarrassing.   It does affect you psychologically later in life and you tend to choose a boyfriend who is like your parents, someone who will argue till the cows come home.    So if this happens to you, you must get therapy.   Have you any friends at school who have normal family lives?  Can you spend some time at their homes?   What about living with your Grandparents?     As soon as I was 15 I started working and then I got a night job and weekend job as well, so I didn't have to be at home.   When I was 18 I left home and got a flat in a nice block and all the neighbours helped me adjust.  Good luck.

  19. If this is for real, and not a joke. (If its a joke, youre sick.) please find a suicide hotline and talk to them about how youre feeling. Theyre professionally trained and have dealt with this stuff a lot. Please keep us posted and please dont end it all.

  20. just hang in there for 5 more years, you can live your own life when you reach 18.

    I know it's hard, my parents used to fight night after night for no good reason at all until one of them got so sick and died.

    You can still be an artist and learn how to use the computer too.just fake them out for a few more years.

  21. Pull through lass !

    Everything dont last forever,

    your probaly thinking "thats easy for you to say"

    Things will turn I hated my life for five years :(

    Now Im loving it :D

    Trust me ;)  

  22. You've decided to do it.

    Life is impossible.

    Suicide is your way out.

    Fine - but before you kill yourself, consider these facts:

    -Suicide is not usually successful.

    You know a guaranteed way?

    Ask the 25yr old who tried to electrocute himself. He lived. But, both of his arms are gone.

    What about jumping? Ask John. He used to be intelligent, with an engaging sense of humour. That was before he lept from a building. Now, he's brain damaged and will always need care. He staggers and has seizures. He lives in a fog. But, worst of all, he knows he used to be normal.

    What about pills? Ask the 12yr old with extensice liver damage from an overdose. Have you ever seen anyone die of liver damage? You turn yellow. It's a hard way to go.

    What about a gun? Ask the 24yd old who shot himself in the head. Now he drags one leg, has a useless arm and has no vision or hearing on one side. He lived through his "foolproof" suicide. You might too.

    But .. who will clean your blood off the carpet or scrape your brains from the ceiling?

    Commercial cleaning companies may refuse the job -- but someone has to do it.

    Who will cut you down from where you hung yourself, or identify your bloated body after you've drowned?

    Your father?

    Your mother?

    Your sister or brother?

    The carefully worded "loving" suicide note is of no help.

    Those who loved you will never completely recover.

    They'll feel regret and an unending pain.

    Suicide is contagious.

    Look around your family.

    You do have other choices.

    There are people you can help you through this crisis.

    -Call a hotline.

    -Call a friend.

    -Call a doctor or hospital.

    -Call the police.

    They will tell you there's hope.

    Maybe in a phone call this weekend.

    But what you're seeking could be just a minute, a month, or a day away.

    You say you don't want to be stopped?

    Still want to do it?

    Well, then, I may see you in the psychiatric ward later.

    And we'll work with whatever you have left.

    If you're seriously considering this permanent solution to a temporary problem, please find help.

    This isn't the way to go, you may think that everyone would just be better off without you, but have you ever seen a family who has lost a loved one to suicide?

    They're messed up, the parents usually get divorced, the siblings never talk to each other.

    This not only ends your life, it changes the lives of others around you, but not in a good way.

    There are people who love you, and people who have been through the same things as you, even though it may not seem like it at times.

    So please, seek help.

    & I hope you have realized ;; Suicide's not the way out.

    There are so many other safer ways of dealing with your problems.

    Maybe you think it's easier to just die.

    But think of what you are giving up.

    You're leaving your family, friends, and all the people who care about you and love you.

    And maybe you're not even that old yet, you have to experience life, find true love, that kind of stuff.

    Killing yourself isn't going to help.

    That's just running away from your problems, it's not solving anything, it's not making it better.

    I know i can't convince you to not commit suicide, but just please think about everything a little before you do anything.

    There's always someone who will be there for you to talk things through even if it seems like no one is there for you.

    Everything will get better, and it will be okay.

    So whenever you are going to pick up that knife, or razor, just think about all the people you are leaving behind, all the memories, and all the good times. I guess sometimes everybody feels like they want to die at lease once in their life.

    And you think there is no other way, just read this over.

    Remember: You live to have fun, and joke around ;; Not to be depressed. I know depression isn't an easy thing to get over, but it is possible.  

  23. Please don't commit suicide!

    Listen, you pretty much described my life from age 7 to age 17 (roughly). My parents absolutely hated each other. They got divorced when I was seven, and I was pretty much the messenger for 10 years. "Tell your father he hasn't paid child support in 3 months!!!" "Tell your mother that she should let me handle my business!!" Stuff like that was pretty regular for me.

    My family also wanted to control what I did with my life. I too wanted to be an artist, but they thought I would be wasting my intelligence doing that and pretty much begged me to go to this really good college and to eventually take over the family business when I was done.

    Not only were my parents fighting all the time, my sister and mom were too, and we are talking screaming at the top of your lungs fighting. I was the mediator.

    Both my parents have each been married quite afew times, and at one point my sister and I were blamed for the divorces. And my dad was also a bit of an alcoholic, so there was that to deal with too.

    So, it sounds to me like we had similar experiences, though obviously both are different. I was depressed too, but honestly, who wouldn't be if they were going through the same thing? Once I went to college, everything changed. I wasn't around all of that nonsense and could breath. What I'm trying to say is that when you think you just can't handle it anymore, you really can. It sucks, absolutely. But it gets so much better! Life when you are in control can be whatever you want it to be! I decided to go to the school I wanted to go to and become what I wanted to become (I changed my mind about being a professional artist because I liked international affairs, but I'm deciding what I want, not them). You've got so much to look forward to, you just have to cross over the bridge from not being in control to being in control. Please don't kill yourself, because that won't fix anything and you'll be  missing out on the good part of your life!!!

  24. you will not always be thirteen, the day will come soon when you will be able to move out and live your own life. do whatever you have to do to get through this time and realize you have something to look forward to as you get older.  

  25. Can You Really Eat Alot Of Pills. Say Farewell To The World?

    Don't Commit Suicide, Times May Seem Tough But You Need To Look At Yourself In A New Way. Don't Let Them Walk Over You. Talk To Your Mother And Father, Say You Don't Want To Be A messanger And You Don't Want To Be A Technician.

    If They Really Love You, Which It Sounds Like They Do

    They Will Do Whats Right

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