
Suicide... thinking about it... 2 much ? Actually attempting it ?

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Hey all... i am an 18 year old girl... an only child... with a lot of friends... a boy friend... i am a champion swimmer... and i am a VERY hyper person ... But these past few years i have been thinking 2 much about suicide!!! i attempted it twice ! and was very insanely mad when i made it threw!!! My boyfriend is extremely mad at me for doing so and really loves me and i love him !! but at times i am just very mad and just don't see in from of me and just want to die !!! if it helps my suicide attempts were 1- overdosing on pills... 2- Cutting my wrists with a kitchen knife... Please help me .... I feel insane :(!!!! In my country going to a physciatrist makes you crazy and people stay away from you... so that certainly isnt an option !!!




  1. Why would you want to do this if you have lots of friends, and a boyfriend that you love?  If you do kill yourself, you will not go to heaven , but you'll go to h**l.  God wants you to stay alive, so dont do it!  Talk to a parent or somebody who you are VERY close to and that you trust wont tell everybody.  

  2. Do you really want to enter the gates of h**l and burn for all eternity.

    God will be really disappointed in you so i suggest you stay alive until your time comes.

  3. Don't know where you are from but seeing a psychologist certainly does not make you crazy, it shows that you are a brave strong person who is able/prepared to sort their life out!

    I hear what you are saying about committing suicide, taking your own life but you really don't want to do want to get away from the feeling that you have, the suicide is a kinda off escape route for you to get on with your life.......

    It sounds like you have something/s on your mind which is driving you really is good to talk about these thoughts with someone. I would urge a therapist but i understand your reticence......try and share with a friend, colleague or someone you feel a connection with.

    As easy a solution as suicide seems, it is not the answer, trust me....I find this very hard to say as not long ago i was where you are today......and i still question my decision......but i know suicide is not the answer.

    Good luck my friend.........your destiny really is in your own hands please don't throw it away x

  4. be happy

  5. Awwww..don't do it. Why not try talking to someone about it?! Ending it isn't going to help. Besides..why do you want to die if you have a lot of friends who care about you and a boyfriend that loves you?! Don't do it.

  6. Danielle, suicide is never the answer- All feelings you have now are only temporary and will change to more positive happy thoughts with time.  If you commit suicide You'll never get to experiance being married, having children, watching them grow up into great people, enjoying all that life has to offer.

    There are so many things that you would give up because of some feelings that could be fixed.  Please don't think twice about doing that.

    It's a bad choice.  Also think of all the innocent people you would hurt forever.   You have ONE shot at life so make it count, make a differance and overcome these bad thoughts!   You can!  You can be happy- you need to make a change.   Please take my advice...

  7. I think you need 'you' say you are happy with the things around you, but are you?

    do some volunteering, see how other people live.....

  8. Then you obviously don't want to die and are seeking help and attention, which is fine.

    People do not attempt suicide they do it successfully first time if serious.

  9. The best thing I can recommend is to think about reasons why you SHOULD live when you start thinking about suicide. Remember the people you will hurt and the fact that you have barely seen enough of life to decide it's worth ending. Life is always worth continuing, if for no other reason, just to see what's coming next!

    If it helps, keep a journal of things you enjoy and the small things in life that make it worth living. When you start thinking about suicide again open it up and read over all those times that you knew it wasn't worth hurting yourself.

  10. Come on,don't think about it,it will just hurt the one's you love.If you want to talk email me.don't think nobody would miss you.

  11. Poor girl !!!! omg i lost a classmate like that!!! please dont!!! talk to your boyfriend about it but dont just stay like this its not healthy !!!

  12. Often people who are severely depressed are those who seem to have everything going for them. This in itself can lead to a feeling of pointlessness a kind of "is this all there is" syndrome and that if your not happy now, you never will be.

    Then you can get stuck in that whole cycle of self loathing feeling you have no right to feel the way you do when there are so many people with "real" problems.

    The first thing to realize is that no one can know one can no your pain, it is particular to you.  It doesn't matter how many people you have around you it will feel like you are alone in your thoughts.

    Once you realize this though you can start healing, except that you will have good days and bad.

    A big problem for people in your situation is that it feels like it will never end, and you cannot ever imagine not feeling how you do now. This is not actually true. Depression is higher in young people than any other age group.

    This is perhaps because when people are around your age they are trying to find there place in the world, pressures of school or uni or finding a job, a keenness to prove yourself to family and peers could all be contributing factors.

    Also you need to understand the science of depression. The brain is a complex organ. Chemicals released and suppressed are what give us emotions. Scientists can control people's emotions by attaching electrodes to peoples heads. Taking them from being dileriously happy to manically depressed in seconds. I point this out because its important to understand that your emotions are not necessarily linked to your current circumstances.

    There are some practical steps that you can take to help your overall mood and they are based on sound science.

    Try not to drink alcohol, its a depressant and after the initial high you will crash hard if you are not in a good frame of mind.

    Eat fish high in Omega 3.  The Brain needs Omega 3 but does not produce it naturally, the fatty acids actually repair brain cells and keep it healthy. - it is note worthy that countries like Japan with high fish consumption have lower suicide rates than those with low fish consumption.

    Exercise releases endorphins into the brain which can produce an uplifting and lasting effect. Not only this but it will give you a focus and break from your thoughts.

    Laugh and make an effort to laugh as much as you can it has the same effect as exercise.

    Get plenty of sunshine when you can, Vitamin D stimulates the pineal gland in the brain which produces more feel good endorphins.

    In general eat well, lots of fruit, veg and fish will give you a power pack of vitamins that will help your overall well being

    Don't be scared of your feelings, just learn to understand them, look for triggers and plan things, like holidays for the future that you can look forward too.

    It won't happen over night, but I assure you one day you will look back and wonder how you ever felt the way you do now.

    Trust me I've been there :)

  13. i have recently lost a very close friend to suicide. he attempted it twice before and we begged him to get help! he then did it a month ago and died in hospital after hanging himself from a tree. suicide will break the heart of everyone round you. please don't try it again think of how much you have to lose and how hard you will make the lives of the people who love you. i would do anything to have the chance to save my amazing friend. just think.

  14. tour happy why do you want to do this

  15. Danielle, you don't mention your family in your original question apart from saying you are an only child, do you have family problems? Where are you from? You could go to a counseller through your GP and get help that way. You must get to the root of the problem of why you feel this way when things go wrong. You sound very alone for someone who has lots of friends and a loving boyfriend which seems like you haven't confided in anyone how you feel or if you have a problem.

    Maybe you have too much pressure in being successful in your swimming, is that what you want to really do, if you can't see a future and want to end your life you must make immediate changes to give yourself a future. Start with a small change. How do you feel about this?


  16. Suicide is not an answer to your problems.  It does sound like you need professional help.  It doesn't matter what other people think about you getting counseling; if people can't support you in that decision they don't need to be in your life anyway.  Don't give up on yourself; there is help out there for you.  

  17. just think of your family and the pain you will cause them, suicide is a chickens way out ,,,,  confront your fears and learn to overcome them, i know life sucks but you can get through this ,,,  be strong and go out and do something that will make you enjoy life again

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