
Sulcata tortoise housing?

by Guest57491  |  earlier

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i just got a baby tourtise,(sulcata) and was wondering if its better to keep it indoors untill it gets bigger and once it gets big enough put it outside? and if i keep it indoors do i need a lamp even though i live in sacramento california and the tempature is like 100 degrees outside. whats the best housing enviroment for it being young?




  1. I also have a Sulcata so at least I have a little experience with the same type of tortoise. If you live in a hot climate then it should be ok outside for a while, the trick is that you have such a little guy that he may get lost. Which leads me to a question for you, if you leave it outside do you plan on having him in a tank? If the answer is yes, I would say no. Glass tanks get super hot in the sun and will cook your Sulcata. I have one that is just over a year old and she lives inside in a 55 gallon tank with only sand in it. Within the year I will buy one of the plastic kiddie wading pools and fill it with sand. It takes them 15-20 years to reach their full size so you have tons of time to prepare for that! I live NW Oregon and once they reach about 5-8 years old they can survive the climate up here in Portland as long as they have a dog house or shed to escape the elements, it is also suggested that you place a heat source (lamp or pad) in the dog house. I would suggest that you keep him inside so that you don't lose him, he doesn't get stolen, and you can keep a good eye on him and his progress. Sulcata's are frequently stolen from backyards.  You will still have to have a UV bulb indoors so that it can absorb the calcium (don't forget to get the calcium supplement at the pet store or it will get soft shell) and other nutrients that are important. It isn't all about the temperature, if you keep it inside you have to supplement the UV rays that it would get from the sun. Get a UV bulb (I use on that is 100 Watts) and an infrared bulb for nighttime (I use a 75 Watt). 12 hour shifts. Take it outside every chance you get though so that it can get the natural UV rays and a chance to get fresh air, exercise and grass.

  2. Standard Sulcata Statement: I hope you did your research and know what this guy will be like as a 150lb adult with the strength to walk through drywall and chain link fence, and who will need a space about 50'x100' minimum, and will ig enough holes to make any dog look like an amateur?

    That said... the general rule of thumb is to keep a tortoise indoors or in a protected place where you have a lot of control over temps, humidity, etc. At about 6 months it can go out for a while, at about a year it can stay outside if you want and have a place that is protected from predators.

  3. Yes, I live in Folsom and you need to keep babies inside do to predetors. Keep a heat Lamp, food, and water. Huh, Ive been in Maui for a month... Its really that hot There???

  4. While its small you can keep it inside but the main problem with that is them getting enough UVB/UVA. Without this they can not absorb calcium and their shells can start getting soft and this can also cause problems with their long bones and their ability to walk. I was given a tortoise that that this happened too and when I received her she could not even push herself up with her back legs. So just make sure it gets the rays it needs. You can buy lights that emits these rays.

  5. A large tank or tortoise table is OK for awhile.  He'll one day be more than 150 lbs. and will need a big yard with reinforced fencing (they can push fences down!).  They do need a heat basking bulb inside, as well as UVB lighting all day.  Outside he'll get enough natural sun.  Outside he'll need an insulated house and heating in the cool months.  

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