
Summarize Charles Darwin's expedition in the "Beagle" that helped him produce his theory on Natural Selection

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Summarize Charles Darwin's expedition in the "Beagle" that helped him produce his theory on Natural Selection




  1. Any college freshman Biology book will have a better account than anyone can give you in a paragraph or too, but one item that is sometimes left out of the books (my source is National Geographic) is Darwin's "run in" with an explorer who said that he could tell from which island a tortoise came from just looking at his mouth parts.  Darwin did not immediately appreciate the significance of that until he was studying the beaks of his "famous" finches.

    Here is an on line reference with maps that will get you started...


  2. I think he went to the Gallapogis islands where he hypothesised that the different animals with different traits were RELATED. He saw birds on one island had large beaks useful for crushing shells and on the other island they had long skinny beaks useful for sucking out food from under a crevace. He supposed that they evolved this way because of their respective habitats

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