
Summarized this editorial and give reactions and opinion about this editorial a minimum of 20 sentences...?

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By: Rene Espina

IN the midst of the controversy regarding the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) extension, let me go back to basics about the foundation of the said law. Our Constitution is of course the basis of the CARL under Article XIII- Social Justice and Human Rights, Sec. 4 of said article, Agrarian and Natural Resources Reform states that: ‘the state shall, by law undertake an Agrarian Reform Program founded on the right of farmers and regular farm workers, who are landless, to own directly or collectively the lands that they till or in the case of other farm workers, to receive the just fruits thereof.’ To give my readers the correct interpretation of said provision, I invite them to read the discussions of the constitutional commissioners in connection with the said provision. Anyway, after so much debate among the said commissioners, i.e. Maambong, Tadeo, and others, the true meaning of said provision was best stated in Filipino,




  1. Between you and "Markcandor" -- you've asked this same question (with the same grammatical errors) at least EIGHT times.  This is bordering on spam now, if it hasn't crossed over. If you've gotten an answer at all, it is for you to do your own work!

    Start by glancing over the article to get then general idea. Then go back and closely read it, taking a note on each paragraph. That will give you most of the sentences you need. Then, give YOUR opinion (not ours) on the article.

    Viola! You're done -- and probably in less time than it took you to post this EIGHT TIMES.

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