
Summary of EU Waste Shipment Regulation (EC) N° 1013/2006?

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I'm looking for a summary/report on this EU Regulation. Can anyone help me?




  1. This site has a short summation of the regulation:

    Here is the text from the article:

    On 14 June 2006, the Council and the Parliament approved a new regulation on Shipment of waste (Regulation (EC) 1013/2006). This new regulation which will replace Council regulation (EC) 259/93 was published on 12 July 2006, came into force three days later, but does not apply until 12 July 2007.

    Shipment of non-hazardous waste to non-OECD Decision countries for recovery is governed by Article 37 under the new regulation, which stipulates that the European Commission shall send a written request to each country to which the OECD Decision does not apply, seeking

    "(i) confirmation in writing that the waste may be exported from the [European] Community for recovery in that country, and

    (ii) an indication as to which control procedure, if any, would be followed in the country of destination.

    Each country to which the OECD Decision does not apply shall be given the following options:

    (a) a prohibition; or

    (b) a procedure of prior written notification and consent as described in Article 35; or

    (c) no control in the country of destination."

    The European Commission (Directorate General for Trade) is in the process of writing to non-OECD Decision countries in fulfilment of this obligation. Please find a copy of the Note Verbale [fr] [es] [pt]. Please also find the questionnaire [fr] [es] [pt] (updated to include B1115) relating to Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006. A table summarising the replies received will be posted on this site.

    The European Commission (Directorate General for Trade) will then prepare a further regulation, taking account of the replies received, to replace Commission Regulation (EC) 1547/1999 and Council Regulation (EC) 1420/1999.

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