
Summer , bored , what books would I like ?

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Well I have to read a bunch of books for summer vacation according to my school .

What do you think I'd like you should read ?

I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter books ,

and I like :

Eric Walters books , like Save as house , Sketches ...

I don't want them to be TOO long ,

Harry Potter 4-7 long is too long .

I'm a teen Girl ...

A bunch of book titles plus the author's names would be great ,

thanks .




  1. the Twilight series.... you'll fall in love with them!

  2. i personally love the series The Clique(by Lisa Harrison) I am not a reader at all and i have read 4 books already(not to mention i am a kinda slow reader) I read all four of the books over the summer. I just finished the fourth and i want to start the Fifth right away. I really recommend The Clique!!! Read it you will fall in love with it!!!! Also it relates to you because the main characters are Teenage girls!!!

  3. Twilight Saga- Stephenie Meyer.

    I read the whole series this summer.  I love them and they're addicting.  

  4. The Princess Diaries series! by Meg Cabot

    i'm 13 and i loveeee those.

    theres like 10 books in the series so you don't have to worry about running out anytime soon.

    and you might think you'd get bored with the series after 10 BOOKS. but they are wayy to good to get bored with.

    make sure you go in the order of the books cause thats always better to do with any series. and they arent super long but arent short either. theyre just about the perfect length. its also hilarious and I'll start laughing while i'm reading.

    uhh other awesome books...

    -Dairy Queen (I'm not sure about the author)

    -series of unfortunate events (these are more for like 6th grade)

    -Peter and the Starcatchers series

    -The Lightning Thief series

    - the Clique series

    -the Uglies/Pretties/Specials (I've read the uglies and part of the Pretties but i lot of people think these are extremely good)

    -Stargirl by: Jerry Spinelli (i think thats the author)

    - in 6th grade I read this book called "Once Upon a Marigold" and i thought it was very good:)

    - So B. It (a lot of people love this one too)

    - Ida B.

    - 5 People You Meet in Heaven (i'm not sure if you'll really like this but I did. Its kind of more adultish but its a great book)

    sorry I didn't include the names of authors but I'm sure you could find out. Well there's a lot of other good books that I've read and if I remember them then I'll put them back on here

    Hope I helped somehowww:)

  5. Isn't your summer vacation almost over?

  6. twilight series. i had my doubts about it because its about vampires and such but my friend talked me into it and i read each book at least 4-5 times. they are amazing!

  7. The internet girls series by lauren myracle...the books are ttyl, ttfn, and l8r, g8r.

    love those books!

    hope i helped!

  8. books i like:

    the Twilight series (but those might be a little long for your taste)

    the Marked series (it's also about vampires)

    right now i'm reading a book called Soul Music

    and soon I'm gonna start with Just Listen  

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