
Summer 08' .... love... i need help?

by  |  earlier

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so i met this guy when i went upnroth for a week.

i met him on a thursday and only got to talk to him for 3 days cuz i left on a saturday.

well he seeme really flirty and interested so i got his myspace and ever since then we've been talking on there.

well i asked about his gf and he tells me there not really bf/gf yet cuz she cant date till shes 16.

so then i was like we shouldve made out up north.. i regret not.

and he goes off on me and says " well no offence but i kinda have someone"... the 15 year old girl.

&& i dont understand this cuz there not going out and when i asked him about her upnroth he wouldnt talk about her. so i assumed she was just some chick.

well im in love with this guy and im so hurt that he pretty much has a gf who he abouslty loves cuz hes waiting till shes 16 for her. i really thought he liked me....but it doesnt seem like it he never talks about seeing eachother or even missing me.

he lives about 2 hours away , but we could still see eachother we can both drive.

but the problem is...idk if he wants to c me. and im afiried to even mention me seeing him cuz idk what kind of responce illl get.

the hole reason why i think he felt the same way was cuz when we were all hanging out at the beach his friends were like...r u guys gonna bang or something ( cuz i guess we were making it that abvious that we liked eachother) and we both just smiled and didnt answer. cuz we both wanted to......but now it seems like hes so against




  1. Uhmmm I'm sosrry sweetie but I think he only likes you as a friend. He isn't interested in you. Move on.

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