
Summer Camp Tips?

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I’m going away to camp for two weeks this summer. I'm not worried too much about making friends, but I am worried about how I am going to SURVIVE. I am not exactly what you'd call a nature girl. Two weeks is the longest I’ve ever been at a camp, and although I’m not worried about homesickness, I’m worried about how I will smell at the end of that. If anybody has any hygiene tips, or any other kind of tip, please let me know. Maybe you have an experience you'd like to share, or a random tip to give me? Anything would really be appreciated.





  2. take some wet wipes... you know the sort of thing they sell for wiping babies bottoms with ... you can use these anywhere on your body (especially on your private parts) and they will help you keep clean and hygienic

    first thing in the morning ALWAYS wash your face ... even if it's just putting some water on your face and giving it a brisk scrub dry with a towel ... not only does it make you wake up, but it helps your body to regulate its temperature

    if you think you are going to have problems cleaning your teeth take some gum with you ... best the sort of sugarless gum ... just please please dispose of it sensibly in a rubbish bin and don't just drop it on the ground or something
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