
Summer Party Ideas...?

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I am a 13 year old and I would like to throw a summer party with my friends... Does anybody have any ideas of what to do that's fun and dosen't involve a pool because I don't have one. I would like to have a party in my backyard but if there is any place you sugest to rent out or something that would be great! I was thinking of having a shaving cream fight... any other ideas would be great! Thanks!




  1. Having a party in your own backyard would be perfect. You should get a DJ or even bring your own stereo outside and play some music. Play outside games like volleyball, kickball, badmitton, etc. Use water balloons/guns and have a water fight. Do you have a tent? Because later on i'd have some of my friends spend the night and you could sleep out there! That's what i always use to do.

  2. A luau theme party with a tropical pinata and dance to the rythm of luau party  and encourage everyone to do the limbo.

  3. Get a slip n slide that is always fun at any age. Get water balloons, water guns etc. and have a water fight.

  4. if your and your friends are somewhat outdoorsy, and you have decent yard space, you could have a close-to-home camping trip complete with a bonfire and tent. My younger sister does this with her friends and they always have a blast. Plus, since you're outside, you don't have to worry about keeping the parents up.

    A fun (and messy!) party game is to have someone lay down w/ a cup in their mouth, then have someone kneel on a chair over the person and pour toothpaste in the cup. The person to catch the most in their cup wins.

    ( you could use something other than toothpaste if you so choose)
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