I am a good swimmer, and i feel that it's one of my passions and it's something that I'm good at. For the past two years i have done summer swim team with my local pool. It has been fun but has it's ups and downs. The coaches can be very strict and insane sometimes. Plus some of the swimmers eat sleep and breathe swimming and swim year round, giving them an advantage. Plus they're about twice as big as me. I always am way behind in practices because they can all swim faster then me since they have more experience. They have to wait for me, start on the next thing and then I get more behind. I enjoy meets as long as I compete in a section I like. My practices this year I will be one of the youngest of the group and practice starts a 7:00. I am not a morning person and one of my main goals this summer was to sleep in. My mom doesn't want this to be a struggle and neither do I- should I just take a break this summer and start again the next? Then again, I might be even more behind if I ..