
Summer Talent show ?

by  |  earlier

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well my local raido stations is holding a summer talent show audtions are tomroow and i'm kind of nervous my talent is dancing and i'm going to be dancing to janet jackson rythem nation and i want to get over my nerves because when i get nervous i can't remeber anything and if you seen janet jackson dance - making mistakes would be the last thing i want to do how can i get over my nerves and do good at audtions and not s***w over a good song ?




  1. First thing first is that it is totally fine that you are nervous about this audition, it shows that you are focused and concentrated on your performance. The best thing that you will probably need in an audition is confidence. To work on your confidence try practicing in front of your family or friends so it won't seem completely nerve wracking in the the audition room. When your performing it is best that you don't look towards the floor because it will make you look unsure of yourself, try to make sure that the people critiquing see your face (smile!) - but you don't have to look them dead straight in the eye if that will put you off. Also when you perform make sure your relaxed and not tense because this will likely disrupt your performance. Make sure your moves are smooth and relaxed. Another tip is that when your performing if you were to make a mistake don't just stop and start over - try and mask it and just continue because they will probably not know the exact routine. If they were to know that you messed up and you just continued that would show that you are not dist acted. If you were to mess up and start over again try not to make a big deal of it.

    Before the audition make sure your relaxed and calm and have fun !

  2. get laid night before lol jk you just gotta relax man listen to a few pump up songs that ALWAYS helps me songs that get me goin are

    POD- Boom


    go to youtube and type these in
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