
Summer Training and Nutrition?

by  |  earlier

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I want to maintain my track times, and possibly even improve on them for next season (will be my sophmore season in highschool) over the summer. my events include the 800m, 4x4, 4x8, and the 400m, but the main one is the 800m. what would be a good way to maintain my speed or even improve it? and what are some good nutritional tips for the summer and going into next xc season?

ps- my PR in the 800m is 2:49.





  1. You should get your mileage up to about 3 miles a day. Once it is up to 3 miles start addind in some speed 3 times a week. The speed workouts could be 8X 400 meter repeats at 85% your race pace. 6X 600 meter repeats at 75% your race pace is good. Hill workouts are also a good thing. If you can find a hill that is about 100 meters long run that 10 times. If you don't have hills around running stairs is a good alternative. Weightlifing is good if you have access to a weight room If not that just do some general strength stuff like push ups, and sit ups. An ab workout can be added to any workout any day of the week.

    As for nutrition, Eat plenty of carbs especially the day before a race. Protein is good for athletes as well, it helps build and repair muscles. a good source of protein is chicken, fish, and lean red meats. Potassium helps prevent cramping, bananas, strawberries, and kiwi have lots of that. Make sure you have sodium in you system as well. You should get plenty of this just from the salts that are in your everyday foods. Peanut butter, raisins, and honey are all great natural energy boosters for runners.

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