
Summer heat cooling ideas?

by  |  earlier

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i work in a hot metal building and its freakin hot!!one of those cooling things that goes around your neck,ever heard?u do have a towel in an ice chest that helps hot is your job?




  1. get naked into a pool

  2. When my kids and I are out in the heat, we soak our hats in cold water then put them on before we go. Once they dry, we wet them again and that really helps with the heat.

  3. Take off ur shirt! OK just kidding! had to joke around. lol. Umm I'd suggest to not wear black, green, or brown. I'd wear white. Wash your face a lot. And maybe pour a bucket of water over your head or something? I don't know. If I werre you I'd just suck it up! I mean seriously!

  4. When I'm roofing I put water on my head and especially my ears. If you can't spray water on yourself try a moist towel on the head and ears. I don't know why but it works for me.

  5. don't wear any panties or boxers

  6. Ice, swimming, light colored clothes, try to to be out during the hours of 11am-3pm (worse time to be out in heat) , plenty of water

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