
Summer job for 13 year old girl.

by Guest67053  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and i want some money so I can buy myself some stuff for school; like clothes. and i cant do you know anythings that i could do so i can get some money.




  1. you can detail cars, walk dogs or do chores for your neighbors,or tutor every week. those are a few classical things that can put a nice amount of money in your pocket.if you wanna get modern then you can try this free to sign up program,w/ no fees,and access to a mentor if you need any help.Relax,there are no surveys involved,lol.This program offers a few different ways to earn extra income online a lot quicker than a 'regular' job.It's not a get rich type of thing.It's a way to make extra income part time or if you want you can go full time.I use this exclusively because I am a full-time student,I have other activities going on and prefer not to waste my time at a regular job. You have to be at least 13 and live in the US or Canada. If you're serious about having extra income on the side then sign up and check it out

  2. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well. I now have around 1,700 dollars. Just put yourself out there, I also recently offered to babysit a kid next door, and dogsit for 2 neighbors if they ever need me too. Good Luck!!

  3. This might helps

  4. DEPENDS...

    How much do you want to work?  Dependent upon were you live, I normaly suggest looking for the elderly folks and doing odd jobs that help them out.  

  5. I recently joined

    They pay you to do surveys and join free sites, things like that. And yes, they really pay you. There is even a thread in the forum for people to post their payment proof, and there are tons of scanned checks and such. You won't get rich, but it's free, simple, and 100 percent legit. What I really liked is that I never had to part with any "risky" information, like credit card numbers or my SSN, and I have never spent a penny, either! I was a huge skeptic (who wouldn’t be?), but I've made almost $40 so far in the last few weeks doing offers for about 5 minutes a day, and the more you do, the more you make!

    Each survey takes 1-5 minutes and pays anywhere from $.25 - $1.50. It adds up quick. There are also two special surveys you can do each day that pay $.80 each. Even if you do ONLY those, you'll end up making almost $50 a month. I made it to the $10 minimum payout about an hour after I had signed up. The people on the forum are really helpful too, which is great if you have questions. Lots of long-time users and knowledgeable moderators with great tips to help you make the most out of the site. It’s all pretty self-explanatory, but I definitely recommend reading through the tips before you start! They've really helped me. You can also feel free to e-mail me for more info.

    Like I said, you won't get rich with this site, but if you're looking for some extra cash, you’ll definitely make it. It’s pretty foolproof. Sign up and do a few offers - you'll be hooked!

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