
Summer mileage plan help?

by Guest34291  |  earlier

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Is it ok, weekly mileage wise, to go from 36mi one week, down to 25, up to 30, then up to 40 (where I will level off for the rest of the summer)?

I really want to do well in cross country this fall... my summer goal is 300 miles, by August 18. I think that is totally doable at this point, only issue is that I am going on vacation for 10 days... so far I have 88 miles this summer (since early June), with 36 miles last week.

I leave tomorrow for vacation, til July 16 (10 days). So the first week I will do about 25mi, the week I get back probably 30. And the week after that I will be home the whole week so about 40 (which I would be at next week if not for going away).

Is this ok, or will jumping around mileage like this mess with my body too much?




  1. As long as you are consistant during your workouts, the changes in the amount of mileage you are talking will not mess with your body.  Listen to your body as you increase your mileage and don't get caught up in the numbers.

  2. What you are doing is building up to your mileage.  When you get to 40 miles per week and you don't think it is too much at the moment stay their and maintain.  Then work on your speed after a few weeks and when it comes time to compete add speed for a workout and then at state drop mileage, add quality and kick butt.  By the way you are using the cut back technique.  Good job if it works and good luck.

  3. Most running coaches and experienced runners will tell you that a good general rule is don't increase your miles by more than about 10% per week.  Exercise physiologist Jack Daniels suggests you can add one mile per week for every running session you do.  So if you run once a day, five days per week, under Daniels theory you can add five miles per week.  Daniels limits miles per week added to ten (that would be ten running sessions, meaning you are doing two workouts or "doubles" three times per week in addition to running every day).

    It's also a very good idea to throw in a "cut-back" week every few weeks, say once a month, where you reduce your mileage.  The mileage reduction in your plan is fine and won't hurt you.  It probably will even help prevent injury.

    I think what you're proposing is probably ok, though I might throw a week of 35-36 miles per week in between the 30 and 40 week, just to be safe.  You know your body best, and as long as you aren't getting sore, you'll be fine.  Just be sure to back off if you start feeling sore.  While you want to come into cross country season fit, what's even more important is you don't want to come in injured.

  4. Well I think you'll be OK, just be careful on the week from going to 30 then the next going to 40.  That is an increase in 25%, it can be done.....but may want to think about maybe doing 36 or so that week.  Don't over do it, b/c it will suck big time to miss any time b/c of an injury!!  Just listen to your body, hope this helps.

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