
Summer reading book?

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My brother is having to read the book, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.

He's only 14, and I find it a bit odd that his teacher would assign him a book like this for him.

There are things in this book that are age inappropriate for him, one being subject of rape.

There's so much racial tension in his school as is, this book doesn't seem an appropriate choice..

He's uncomfortable reading it, and the only other book choice is much more race intensive than this one.

He's said it himself reading this book is just horrible for him.

What does everyone here think about this?




  1. well if u hav a problem with it u should consult a teacher about it. i had to read to kill a mockingbird but it wasnt that bad and i was 13 when i read it. but if he's uncomfortable reading it just talk to a teacher or the principal.

  2. Please ask one of your parents to bring the objections to the book to the teacher and if necessary to the principal./
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