
Summer study abroad programs to Spain for high school students?

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I'm a High School Junior.

I'm planning on going to Spain this summer for about a month or so for language immersion, just that alot of the programs are soo expensive! Plus airfare is pretty costly as well.

Does anyone know any good programs that cost from $3,000 - $4,500 that I can go with?

Preferably one that offers dorms (i'd rather not homestay).

Where in spain would be best to stay at, Barcelona or San Sebastion?

Thanks ( :




  1. Well ya you can i think

  2. One of the cool website on study abroad programs that I just came across, hopefully may help you :


  3. can i come. lol

    no idea sorry.

  4. You should look into Explorica Summer Academy. I went on their Spain program the summer before junior year. It was three weeks, about $4000 (The price has gone up a little since then due to weak dollar). It consisted of a week of traveling around the country, then two weeks in Marbella (Costa del Sol) going to school six hours a day for language immersion at Enforex school. On the weekend between the two weeks of school we went to Gibraltar and Morocco. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot at the school. It was small classes with native speaker teachers. There were about 25 kids on the trip with two really nice chaperones and a tour guide. We stayed at hotels that were quite nice. The $4000 included airfare, hotel, breakfast and dinner everyday, school, basically everything. I definitely suggest the program. They even have this thing called a tour diary that is online while you're gone. The chaperons uploads pictures and writes about what you did everyday and your parents can go online and check on you.

    I really liked that we got a lot of free time with this program. On days we had school, we met for breakfast and dinner and were responsible for getting to school on time. The rest of the day was ours. I went to the beach everyday.

    The chaperons were really nice. We had a midnight curfew, were they would check in on us in our rooms, but other than that we could be wherever we wanted all the time.

  5. Not off hand,,,it's been a while since I looked into such programs.  However, if you contact some of the Universities there or a few Hostels, you will probably land some sweet deals.  Do well!

  6. Dear friend. As I know there are probably some high school counselors avaiable to you that could offer you information on such matter. Also there is a program at least here in Utah, where young high schoolers can get an advance college climatisierung . Where they can go to the University and receive college credit before going further into their expertise.

    Any how, on such occassion, you could go to the language department and they do sponsor students to go abroard to learn the native language. They could truly advice you it's their job.

    Here are some helpful links. And buenas noches amigo/amiga. Angelika USA?UTAH

  7. If you go to Barcelona be careful of getting robbed!! especially on Las Ramblas... was there for a study abroad w/ college last summer and got robbed on that street.. had my mom sent me some stuff from the US and the FedEx driver stole my package ahahaha

    seroiusly be careful! but you should definately check it out!!! there's a lot of cute towns to take day trips around there

    best of luck

  8. Most exchange organizations have summer programs. You can find a list of those certified to operate in the U.S. at You should also ask your counselor for a recommendation as a program is only as good as its local representatives. Generally, AFS, Aspect, Rotary and YFU are reliable everywhere. They are all homestay however. Dorm programs are usually at the university level.

    However, if you want to go THIS summer, you MUST HURRY! I'm pretty sure most applications are closing soon (if not already!). I've already picked my exchange student for the 2008-2009 school year!

    Good luck though!

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