looking for ideas for school based summer program in rural nelson co ky.
Theme: Go G.R.E.E.N. 9giving respect to earth energy and nature) Also incorporating the eps' sunwise sun safety program.
need ideas for: guest speakers, feild trips, presentations and activies or educational opportunites.
Would like to distrubute kick off bgs or sackpacks with sunglasses ans sunscreen and other thene related items NEEDS IDEAS HERE TOO!!
would like to touch on the following topics: fuel alternatives, energy effieciency, natural resources, basic first aid, recyling, conservation, wildlife/habitat preservation, sun safety, camping, fishing wilderness survival, conserving energy at home. generally protecting, consering and appriciating our enviroment.
Have Nine full weeks to plan for and need guest speaker/ presentor and feild trip each week.
looking for any and all ideas maybe something i wouldnt have thought of.