
Summer time fun?

by  |  earlier

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The pool and beach are pretty much out of the question my sisters and (age 9 age 10 and me age 13) are going to my grandmas house next week we are going to do slipin slide but that is like 1 hour of fun in 1 whole week. So we need some fun inexpensive ideas to do that are age appropiate for all of us the pool and beach are out of the question because of the area we may go to a lake though but i am talking games (inexpensive) inexpensive crafts etc. got any ideas? Thanxz




  1. Learn some sweet card tricks to impress your friends with next school year.  Someone said Pictionary, which is great, because it's practically free.  Just run around and have fun being kids!

  2. cooking is always fun!! go find a recipe and make something

    get a few board games

    bring bikes, skooters, rollerblades, skateboards, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, basketballs, soccerballs, volleyballs, baseballs, footballs, tennis rackets and balls, frisbees, and any other outdoor equiptment to entertain you

    get some water color paint and paint a picture

    bring video games

    bring ipods

    bring books to read

    make paper dolls...go on internet on google and type in paper dolls and it will give you instructions to make them...also just get scratch paper and start cuttin

    go to

    bring your cell phone to call and text people

    email people

    *****learn how to knit or croche...all of you..just go online or to a store and get yarn and needles*****

    clean the house lol not so fun but definatly productive

    go to a park and run around and play

    find some neighbor kids to play and have fun with

    color with crayons and a coloring book lol childish but very entertaining lol of course!

    cut up magazines and make a collage of things you guys like

    make a fort inside with blankets and pillows and stuff

    build a treehouse with old wood, nails, and a hammer

    look at pictures of your parents when they were young if grandma has any

    watch home videos

    rent a movie and watch it

    tv is always good

    sodoku puzzles

    crossword puzzles

    get ahead on you grade for the comming year...research what you will be learning and start learning and doing the work

    learn a language...go to the library and get a book on a language

    library..always fun right???

    search for animals outside...ants, bugs, frogs, etc etc

    ***hope i helped and good luck!!!

  3. -scrapbooking

    -chalk drawing






    -learn how to cook things


    -design clothes


    -slumber party


    -card games

    -board games

    -rent a movie !

    -get DDR/guitar hero

    -play hide n go seek

    -play tag

    -go to arcade

    -play with neighbors

    -ride bike

    -try skateboarding

    -play basketball

    -try softball

    -play soccer

    -make dolls

    -decorate house

    -make things like bubbles

  4. water balloons

    hide and seek

    water sprinkler races

    make picture frames with recent pictures to give your grandma

    water gun fights=]

    have a movie night with your sisters and grandma=]

    you can have popcorn, snacks, drinks, and watch movies approved by everyone=)

    take crazy pictures

    singn karaoke

    get a little, inexpensive wading pool, and pretend you're at the beach or something=) ha ha, it sounds silly, but it can end up being just as much fun. Just be goofy, and act like a little kid again..

    Ask your grandma what she'd like to do, and do that. She's love it!

    Help around the house

    "camp out" outside with sleeping bags, smores, etc. Lay out and look at the stars(:

    Just enjoy being out of school, and have fun=)

  5. water baloon fights tag anything on this site

  6. OUIGI BOARD! lmao no, jk, that would probably scar you 4 life, um...scrabble just causes fight, hmmm, pictionary is an awsome game 4 all ages, ummm...u could bring a book of sudoku and learn it while ur there...
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