
Summoning the dead? Is it possible?

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Hi, I'm 15, and last year my bestfriend of 7 years died suddenly. I've been reading up on summoning the dead, and I was wondering if it's really possible. Is it? Could I summon her from the dead to talk to her? If so, how do you go about performing such a task? Thanks in advance.




  1. Be aware of sights and sounds around you that you connect with your friend.  Relax yourself and ask her a question.  The next thought you receive, it will likely feel like it comes from the middle of your forehead for some reason, will be from her.

    Good luck  :)

    For more information go to:

  2. Please feel free to look into it.  However, you are going to find absolutely no actual evidence.  Many people miss their friends and relatives who have died and many also want to believe there is life after death.  You should be very skeptical of any claim made when those who are claiming it also really, really want it to be true.  All you are really going to hear here is anecdotal.

  3. you really miss your need to summon her, she is with you all the time. I know it's sucks not to be able to see or hear her, but she is with you.

    Talk to her, ask her for help in things, know that when you're having a hard time in life, she is helping you.

  4. The only way you could speak to her Spirit is if she has not crossed over yet.  

    Going to a Medium who charges money is usually a waist of time and money, because there are so many of them who have made a career of faking Fortunetelling and contacting the dead that .

    Also sometimes Demons will pretend to be your loved one when attempts are made to talk to them.

    I would suggest you do one of two things, or both to find closure.

    1.  Attend a Pagan Samhain ceremony:

    Samhain, pronounced sow-en and called Halloween today, is the ending of the Celtic year. The Celtic new year actually begins at sunset on October 31. This ritual is known as Ancestor Night or Feast of the Dead. Because the veil between the worlds is thinnest on this night, it was and is considered an excellent time for deviations. Feasts are made in remembrance of dead ancestors and as an affirmation of continuing life. A time for settling problems, throwing out old ideas and influences. This is either celebrated October 31, or the first Full Moon in Scorpio.

    2. Write a letter to her, seal it and place it on her grave.

    Blessings !

  5. Do you mean to reanimate her body.  Or to summon her spirit to a visible plane of exsitence like ours.  

    If you reanimimate her body she will not be who she was when she left.  She will be something dark, evil, and unatural.  

    There would be no getting rid of her.  You would have to sacrifice your life to get someone back the way they were, or if you were a witch(male or female) you would have to sacrifice your magic-offtopic- but there are ways.  You could sell your soul to Satan, or you could, if the soul was still in the body-probably not cause reapers get to them right before or after they die-you could just find a way to shock the body to life- not electic shock- a psychic shock.

  6. I'll tell you a secret...if you were REALLY able to do this...there's no way you could know if it's REALLY her. It could be another spirit pretending to be her. It could be really dangerous spiritually, emotionally, mentally for you to do this. Lots of bad things have happened to people who have tried. Also, if she appeared to would freak you out...and you might go emo over it..and they might put you in a mental hospital. You are DEFINITELY too young to be messing with this kind of thing. Doesn't she have a grave site? Go put flowers on her grave. If she's able to speak to you and wants to speak to you..she will . Don't go "summoning" her. Besides, that would be  being disrespectful of her. If she's around...she knows that you care about her and miss her. That should be enough.


    I didn't mean you have to go to her grave site to be close to her..She wouldn't want you to be hanging out at the cemetery a lot, I'm pretty sure.And about "being enough"'s just kinda GOT to be enough....because she'd want you to go on with YOUR life. Don't feel guilty that you're alive and she's not. Ask God to give you peace about this and to comfort you.

  7. If you ask, before you go to sleep, she may start to come to you in dreams. You can ask her for a sign to very and give you affirmation of her visit with you and she might flicker the lights or a television or present you with a scent that associates her to you, some thing that you may have long ago forgotten.  However, just like here on this plane, she may be busy.... and be on to better things and not have time or inclination to visit with you. As an analogy, if she were to go to school in another state, it is possible that she would come to visit you specifically if she were to come back to visit, and it also possible that she would say, so sorry that I did not see you this time, I was so busy I had to do this and that... you may not be a priority at this time.  But it never hurts to make that phone call to see how she is , you could have a great conversation.

    So, to simplify, just ask. Ask her to visit you and show you signs.....chances are she will come through.

  8. You could talk to a medium or become one yourself. Your friend is probably sending you signs all the time, perhaps with a song, smell, animal, person, whatever would mean something from them. Keep your senses open the next few days for a sign from your friend

  9. No!, It's not possible, The bible say's that the dead are dead and know not anything. But the devil will appear to you instead if you do such a thing, to deceive you so that you do dive into this farther and farther, he'll even appear in the form of your friend and everything but it won't be her. learn rather the word of God starting in the Gospel according to saint John, then go on to Matthew, Mark, and Luke Learn the bible and you'll find what I am telling you is true. Now I'm not asking you to change from any religion to any  other religion but if you'll Say aloud so that you can hear yourself, "Jesus come into my heart and show me the way and the truth and the life, In Jesus name, Amen. Jesus Will do just that and all you have to do is only, BELIEVE.

  10. It is completely impossible. Summoning the dead is a myth.

    I understand what you're going through, my friend Jason is dying from cancer, rapidly, and I know once he dies it will take me a while to get over it. Not be harsh, but that's what you need to do. Stop reading into summoning the dead, it is impossible. Besides, if she was saved her death was for her better.

  11. My advice is don't do it.

    you would be opening yourself to all sorts .

    The best thing to do is wait and see if she contacts you.

  12. I'm sorry you lost your friend.She's gone and can't be brought back.She remains only in your memory.That's a healthy thing,it's natural and how it should be.People telling you it's possible to see or talk to her spirit.They are not helping you.Don't let their silly ideas cloud your judgment.As long as you remember her she'll be with you.That's the reality of it.

  13. Actually You can talk to someone who has recently died very easily.  You just relax like you would if you were meditating and ask the person if they would speak to you.

    If you are focused enough it almost always works.

    Love and blessings Don

  14. Summoning the "dead"? As in material corpse summoning or summoning her spirit? I imagine you could probably summon her spirit if you had a lot of practice or talent.

    I highly doubt you could animate her corpse, which is necromancy. I haven't ever heard of anyone able to conjure and direct actual elements, which is the kind of skill a person would need. Even if you were able to, it would be rather pointless.

  15. I'm sometimes really surprised about some of the answers that we get on here. a lot of people often are misinformed. She's not completely gone, sweetie, and you can communicate with her whenever you'd like. She hears you and visits you often. I don't summon the dead, I talk with spirits. My grandpa has been dead since for 6 years now and I still talk to him. He's completely crossed over, but he still comes and visits me. You don't really "summon" her. You just ask her to come visit and look for little hints. Chances are she's not going to physically manifest and start talking to you. You'll feel her around you. You won't hear her or see her, but she will be there. Be open. Please don't be shy about asking me questions. I know it's hard to lose someone you're so close to, especially when you're still young.

  16. we are alive, in a living, human form,  our loved ones, who have passed over are alive too, in spirit form, but, without a body.  they are always near enough to us to hear us when we talk to them, listen to us when we cry, laugh with us as we blossom and walk with us when we feel alone.  you do not need to summon the dead.  they are just on the other side of the veil.  ask your friend to visit you in your dreams.  keep a notebook next to where you sleep.  and a pencil or pen.  when you awaken from her visit, write it down.  your friend is a friend forever, for more than one lifetime.  you will meet  again.

  17. Might be easiest to do so in your dreams. I had a dream about a friend that I lost touch w/ & in the dream his face looked messed up so when I woke up I looked his name up on yahoo & came across his obituary & a news article that he died in a car crash this past summer. I think it was his way of reconnecting to me & saying goodbye.

  18. isnt that kind of a satanic thing, to summon the dead? Its my understanding that trying to summon the dead isnt limited to the person your trying to contact. it allows any dead soul to come through the doorway. I do not recall any way to limit what spirit enters and what ones stay out. Those who think they have control over the dead and spirits are quite mistaken. no spells or incantations can control what goes on in the afterlife. leave well enough alone, and leave your sanity intact.

  19. all i can say is ...she will proberly send you lttle messages you just have to open your eyes a little...never shake anything off as a coincidence...spirits can hear your thoughts...they communicate via telepathy...ask her to give you signs that she is listening to you or just that she is with you, and i bet you she will send you a can be anything...through a song...seeing her name somewhere...just about anything and in any way she will communicate with you...this is the most communicated way between a loved one and a me one day you,ll notice something....

  20. No, it is not possible to talk to the dead.  it sounds to me like you really miss your friend and are having issues letting her go.  I think you should talk with your family about how you feel rather than wishing you could summon her back.

  21. Yes, I think it is possible, but just like others have told you, you have noway of knowing for sure who you are communicating with.  From what I understand spirits will "mimic" what you want to hear.  It could be very dangerous for you, but possible.

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