
Sun Cream marked my car paintwork

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My kids put there hands on my car with suncream on. It has marked the paintwork and although a wash and polish with t-cut or colour magic gets rid of it the marks come back after a few weeks. Any ideas???




  1. will go get some MgGuires scratch and swirl remover and use it on the spots. this has a slight 'cutting " chemical and abrasive to remove surface deforaties and may fix it.

  2. try using a polish compund. Like autoglym paint renovator. If that doesn't work then use a polish/buffer. If that fails, speak to a detailer. (deals in getting things like this out) good luck! Those t-cut, colour magic products are rubbish!  

  3. greasy little buggers

  4. the paint absorbed the oil. read the label on the sun cream. if its the water repellent kind ti will take some time to remove. try a light solvent like mineral spirits to remove the oils from the paint wash and dry wax and enjoy.

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