
Sun faded shutters...want to make them darker??

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My shudders are sun faded. I want to know if there is anything out there that i can puit on them to make them darker. When they are wet they are a dark blue...what they are intended to be...when they dry they turn a light blue that looks sunfaded with little bits i guess you would say of dark blue. Like you can see that they were orginally dark blue. any help?




  1. Fading is a problem for vinyl shutters. There are items made for cars that can restore color and shine. "Amor All" works well to darken, and then to protect the finish. This also works well for exterior vinyl furniture that is faded.

  2. anything you try to use will only last a few weeks. however you can repaint the shutters with gloss paint. I reccomend a trip to sherman williams

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