
Sun is too bright, cant see signal lights.?

by  |  earlier

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Today I stopped at a protected left turn signal, but the sun was right above it. It was impossible to see whether the signal was green or red, the sun was way too bright. I basically sat there not knowing what to do. Eventually i waited until there was no cars near me and finally made the turn. Im pretty sure I ended up running a protected red light.

What would you guys have done?




  1. wear sunglasses...not that hard to fix my dear

  2. If sunglasses or blocking the sun with my hand doesn't work, I would probably do what you did.

  3. SUCKS FOR YOU!!!oohh!! 2 points

  4. Sun visors in the car, sun glasses  and block with my hand.

  5. I'd block the sun from my eyes with my hand so I could see the light.  If that didn't work, I'd watch traffic until others behaved as if I had a green light.  If that didn't work, I'd go to another intersection either reroute or double back.  There is a goverment agency responsible for maintaining traffic lights.  You should be able to find them with a few phone calls.  If you use that light often, consider reporting it.

  6. same as you

  7. would of done the same waited until no cars and checked for cameras and eventually proceeding with the turn but for this reason i try to keep and clean my windshield and windows regularly and wear sunglasses to minimize this problem.

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