
Sun room,studded partition over the windows, pvc on the exterior. Losing heat? What can I do? Tiled roof?

by  |  earlier

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This room is already in existence but I want to upgrade insulation?




  1. You could try painting your tiles with a paint that will help to insulate the tiles but i reckon old mate's right , you gotta get some batts in the ceiling AND walls . Just check which is going to be easier to remove the inside skin or the outside skin. If it's fibro on the outside thats what i would do. It's worth while getting a no obligation quote and seeing what the so called experts think they can do to help keep in the heat. I would also get a local handyman out of the paper and get his thoughts cos chances are he has come across similar problems before and he will probably be cheaper than what you think...

  2. adequate insulation should be installed. the build is best made of blockwork, double glazed u-pvc windows, with damp proof courses(D.P.C), insulation in roof space or between rafters and D.P.C under roof tiles.

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