
Sunburn relief needed...badly.

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I've got a condition that makes me severely allergic to the sun. To the point that I tend to stay indoors most of the time and even then out of direct sunlight. However, this morning I had to mow the lawn and decided to get outside early. (My idea was to stay out of the sun as best as possible.)

Here's the problem. I've gotten a sunburn, and quite a severe one. Now normally I'd use Aloe to deal with this, but I don't have any (or the cash to afford it) so I'm looking to other options. I've used preperation H in the past, so yeah I know that works, but again it's quite costly. Got any suggestions that can help me out? I'm to the "oh my god ants are crawling on my face, neck, and arms, it hurts it hurts it hurts" phase of the burn. No blisters thankfully.




  1. Two things...if you can tolerate them. One, wrap yourself in a wet sheet and lay under a fan. Some people swear by vinegar, and for temporary relief, rubbing alcohol directly on the skin. Sounds strange I know, but it cools the skin quickly as it evaporates faster that water does. For the face....dunk a medium size terry cloth towel into a bucket of water mixed with ice, wring out, and apply as often as needed.

    Good luck.

  2. first bit of advice - stay out of the shower.  a cooling bath is ok, but DON'T use the shower.

    i'm not allergic to the sun, but i do tend to get pretty bad burns.  vitamin e oil, applied directly to the skin works really well, if you have some.  you can use the vitamin pills that you ingest if you have some (poke a hole in them with a pin, and squeeze).  i prefer to buy mine in a bottle, and use it that way, but you said money's tight.

    alcohol directly on the skin will help to cool it.  so will ice (but do use a cloth - freezerburnt sunburns REALLY suck.

    shaving cream (preferably the stuff with aloe) also works wonders in a pinch.  get it into a nice, good lather, then apply, and let it 'dry' on your skin.  it will help to moisturize and cool.

    lots of SLEEP - drug yourself, and go to sleep, if you can - it won't necessarily make you feel better, but you won't feel it really, cause you'll be asleep - and your body can use the extra rest to heal.

    good luck.

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